SB Labs

August 16th edition of diets and bodybuilding

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Staff member
Military Vet
Good morning all.Breakfast was 4 HB eggs no yolk,1 plain bagel,vanilla protein shake blended with strawberries and chia seeds, banana, cappuccino and water.Holding steady at 203 when I wake up,I’m content with that for now anyways,who needs steroids,cept the 75mg of proviron I’m on.I appreciate everyones participation on the morning thread,I look forward to it every day.Hope everyone has a smooth and productive day.
Morning sunshine

Samo grub

Just finished at chiropractor and heading to ortho for checkup on knees.

Training is to be determined
So Incase anyone was wondering the citrulline and Arginine I started using(thanks @Dirtnasty ) are fuckin wonderful,the pump lasts all day it feels like,better then most oral based pwo’s which are typically the only pwo I use,I’m more efficient during my workouts,been blowing thru them actually with energy to spare,hasn’t hurt my BP either.
Same food but may have to increase calories.
Lost 4lbs this summer…all my gains for the year so far.
This happens every summer, uhg.

Active Recovery 2 mile run.

Daily Gratitude:
Celebrating friend’s successes
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I usually lose in the summer,but not this summer,rice in the diet now and was almost non-existent most my life seems to be a game changer for my body.Cant wait for when I’m actually on cycle
Early dinner tonight,kid wants me to watch her at cheer practice…two small 12oz steaks,salad with a beer(Busch) 4 oatmeal raisin cookies with 8oz milk
I could go for a Busch I was so tired this weekend I didn’t really celebrate new job on Saturday so May give it a go this Saturday
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