SB Labs

August 18th version of diets and bodybuilding

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Staff member
Military Vet
Good afternoon all.Breakfast was a peach chobani, banana,4 English muffins with cream cheese and homemade strawberry jam,protein shake.No gym today.i spent hours today struggling with the VA and the process I need to follow to deal with their dumb shit. With all this fuckin therapy I’ve been in the past two years,and this med,that med,lower this one,up that one,I’m amazed at how quick I can turn aggressive and nasty on someone… I’m pretty sure that’s just how I’m gonna be the rest of my life.
Ok,I’m done pissing and moaning now.Hope everyone has a great weekend.
How’s the fire? I’m goin home sunday- wednesday to camp with my family, a local spot…so I can still work with my dad.
We are pretty lucky to get to work w our dads ya know?
Fires good 👍 red oak makes a hot one, i luke hanging out watching the sun go down on another long week. Been some nice weather here finally but gonna get hot as hell monday. Btw we had a f1 tornado really close to a farm took some damage shit was wild
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