SB Labs

August 20th edition of diets and bodybuilding


Staff member
Military Vet
Good late morning all.No work,gym later with my bro in law.Breakfast was 6 hb egg whites,4 turkey sausage,peach chobani with strawberries cut up in it,that was only half,then with 20 0z of cranberry juice i took all 16 Aninal Pak pills,never mind the actual 5 prescription meds i take in the am,what the fuck,it bothers me.
Not sure about lunch,dinner will tuna steak,basmati,and a salad,maybe another chobani.Today i am grateful for the cool weather,only 70 today,and thus morning was cool,it gave me that first “im gonna get to hunt soon” giddy feeling,stomach flipflops a bit and i smile.Hope everyone has a smooth and productive day. 🦌
Training back shortly. Switching from nights to days so Im running on little sleep and lots of coffee. So far nothing to eat. Thinking a pizza later. Get the days worth of calories all at once lol
Had a bad night of sleep. Took a day off of work. One of the few call outs I do in a year.

Gym already.

On the phone with medical providers. Bcbs is being a huge pain in the ass. Making them send exact same info 2 and 3 times.

For my brace which I have already.

For my hearing aids which I don’t have and need badly.

Picked baby girl early from summer camp. We went to mcd’s. I had a big mac for first time in forever. I’m stuffed
Gap of a price diff,as in i may be sticking to the pills,and suck it up buttercup.
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I might give it a shot,either way,i appreciate it,just started using them,guess i need to be more through in my browsing of their website.