So I kinda made friends with a Marinevet from the first equine therapy session,he is a Purple Hart recipient,he’s got some gruesome scars.When he told me some of his stories I was humbled,he wanted to hear some of mine and I said no my stories are dull in comparison,doesn’t matter he said I want to hear all my brothers stories…and now he is coming to the dark side…he works out regularly,I already had a lengthy discussion on our diets,and counting macros,being disciplined(that part was irrelevant he’s more disciplined then me) He’s my height 6’ 185 35 years old,I’d say 15-20% body fat.Told him to get bloods.i recommended test c with nice round number of 500 per week split Monday/Thursday, proviron 25mg daily,then possibly bump up to 50 per day,adex onhand,nolva clomid,I brought up hcg,but told him I’ve never used it so he held off.he is healthy,he has no issues,I’m gonna look at his last bloods and see which were 7 months ago.he takes a multivitamin,I said to add some fish oil,inject glutathione for now.Im excited for him.