Bad muscle soreness near injection site

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molecular bio
So ive been on cycle for about a week and I’ve noticed really bad muscle soreness near the injection site.

There’s no swelling or anything like that, no redness, and you can’t tell anything from the outside theres anything wrong. I’ve heard about PIP, is that what this is, or it something else.
Virgin muscles will get pip. If it doesn’t get better after a few injections then you may not react well to oils carriers or ester
300 mg NPP and 200 mg Test P per week. Im also running Dbol as an oral but that shouldn’t be related to it.
Thanks for the info man. This is technically my first real cycle so I’m still a little new to this.
Interesting. I had looked at few different cycles and based the doseages off of just raw amounts of each, not the ratio, had no idea. Thanks for the info.
I believe dirt is accurate with his ratio. That’s what my sponsor had me on when I did NPP.

What gauge and length of needle r u using and where are you injecting
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