SB Labs

Bad muscle soreness near injection site

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I feel like at that point, with a 5/8 25 GA, why not just use a slin needle (which might be a smart choice to be fair).
I’m just stuck in some of my ways I don’t see a big difference for me I don’t need those other measurements on slin pin and I have no issues with it
Since your going to be pinning a little more frequently you should give the glutes a shot. A little awkward but it’s safer.
Will do thanks man. I watched a video on the delts and quads, ill have to check out one for the glutes too I guess.
21 is fucking huge! 23 or less. Reduce pip to nothing. I use 25 now and get ZERO PIP. Unless it’s short esters. They still fuck me up for 3 days every time.
Ill have to look into 25 I guess. Shit hurts like kick to the dick but in my quad so it seems like a good investment.
I cannot pin quads. Has to be the absolute worst place to pin. Short esters tend to cause more pain than long esters. I can do short esters in flute and delts. My first pin was glutes. It’s pretty easy. That picture gives you the idea pin placement and easy to do. Also try and be very steady. Needle wiggle can tear you up and cause massive PIP as well.
A smaller needle will allow for a slow injection. The slower the better for PIP. Also I use 1.5 inch in glutes and have very little pup. Do you have anyone to inject you
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C’mon brother pinning yourself is like a basic requirement for doing AAS lol I know you can do it. If I can I know you can. It just like throwing darts.
Ya pinning glutes is hard for me to do it correctly so my wife does it and aspirated the syringe for me to make sure there’s no blood. If you can get her on board that’s the ticket.
Yeah my ol lady doesn’t have the time to pin me ,we got shitty diapers and messes to clean up, and a baby sucking on her tit all day the last thing she wants to do is fuck with me and pin my aas for me lol but I wouldn’t complain if she did.
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