Bad muscle soreness near injection site

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These are all things I would have made sure of before start of cycle. Search function and asking questions are your friend
Fair enough, I guess I was a little too eager and thought I knew more than I did. Ill adjust my doses and switch to a smaller needle. Thanks.
I get it. Hell I haven’t even finish current cycle and am already oooking forward to my next three i
Getting gains like when I first started working out is just too exciting what can I say. Ive gained around 5 pounds on my bench already after a hard plateau for months. Just hope they keep coming like they are now.
If they slow change things up in workout and you may see some explosions again it is fun I was grinding out gainz in my bench befor injury which I enjoyed as much but I have new love for squats as I’m packing it on ther now
You got virgin muscles my man give it about a month and it should subside. It could be a particular compound and the best way to find out Wich one is do two separate injection of each compound.
I know a lot of guys love leg day, but I just can’t ever motivate myself to go hard on squats or DL, instead opting for higher rep ranges around 15ish, which wasn’t great for building strength.
I still get PIP In my delts and quads, guess my body doesn’t like it too much…Can do the glutes all day no PIP. And 21g ya no thanks 😂 I’m perfectly happy with my 25 1 inch lol.
True, but for my purposes size is only an added bonus. I don’t have the best genes for aesthetics (gigantic hips that poke through my sides even when Im not especially small or lean, small looking arm) so I focus mostly on strength.
Thats not even the biggest I’ve used. Before I got into real gear, I tried out peptides and shit and would hit my delts with an 18g. Would leave a massive welt and made me bleed like crazy every time.
God damn man. I’ve used some big gauges on my first cycle but now I don’t mind waiting a little longer to inject or draw up with a smaller gauge.
Well at least your asking questions I get pip from test p, it’s not uncommon and 21 ha,I’m sure If you had done more reading, specificily on here you would have found no need or almost nobody to use that GA to pin with, shit I draw with a 21 and pin with a 1 in or 5/8 in 25 GA for everything
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