SB Labs

Bad news boys

Trust me, no one wants there to be something out there more than me. Praying I get into Sloan this week to start getting some answers

I thought about what I wanted to say since reading this post…and well wishes are usually the default (and sincere) response. But maybe a different tact would be helpful if you would hear it.

You are a warrior, and you will fight whatever adversity is in front of you. That is a foregone conclusion.

Maybe we need to be reminded to invest our efforts into other avenues tangentially.
Maybe we should be reminded to fight just as hard to Live sometimes.

As we all have a finite amount of beats of the heart and we typically spend them very frivolously.

Make yours count. Do those things, go those places, experience those wonders….whatever they may be for you. For we take nothing with us when we ultimately go.

That has to be one of the coolest things I’ve ver read. I truly appreciate all of those words. I am definitely taking them into account. Already planning some trips with the fam for this year. I had the foresight to enroll in a few cancer policies years ago when I started my career and just applied today to collect my 25k. I intend on spending that traveling with the fam
Update from my appt at Sloan Kettering today.
So prognosis is much better than originally thought. She did t get exact but 5-10 years and possibly longer depending on new treatments that are getting approved. All they want to do now is monitor every 3 months unless i develop issues. That’s I guess the protocol for this. They don’t treat until they have to for several reasons but the main one is the treatment is obviously Terrible for you lol.
So at least I’m not dying in 7-12 months. So that’s the silver lining.
Thank you guys for all the well wishes
I hope the best for you my friend, I was in your shoes 3 years ago, just like u my knowledge of cancer was weak, the absolute best advice I can give u is to not be scared and research, research, research and learn. There is so much to it, but this way u can advocate for yourself. And just to ease your mind cancer is not what it was 20 years ago, they have made so many advancements and new treatments. 3 years now after I was diagnosed I just finished up 6 months of some pretty intense R-chop Chemo, I just had my PET scan 2 weeks ago to see if it worked. . There are two organizations that are very helpful in many ways… Lymphoma and Lukemia Society and Lymphoma Research Foundation… They have on staff oncologists and will give you a free second opinion. There u can find all of the newest treatments and Novel Pharmacutical being used they are the most up to date on everything than anywhere else. They also have grants u can apply for. There are also copay assistance programs they offer that help in a huge way. I def suggest contacting them. There is much more I can help u with that will save u a lot of time and aggravation. My name is Hank, my cell number is 210-850-8070. I live in sanantonio Texas. Text me , ill help u in every way I can think of. I remember how I felt 3 years ago when my life was just awesome, could not have been better, then a two month stay in the hoapital and being diagnosed with Cancer changed every aspect of life as I knew it…the more prepared u are now the easier this journey is going to be for u, Text me amigo, ill share a lot of info with u