Banned question of the day why take clomiphene and nolvadex during pct?

Great thread, led by BigMurph. Well done, gentlemen.

I did my first cycle right before my divorce from my first wife. I read the basics and when i came off, did clomid and Nolvadex and HCG. But I screwed up the HCG reconstitution and ended up doing 5000IU ED for ten days. My nuts were fried. A well known TRT doc then took me under his wing and put me on a tapering dose of Test Cyp and 100IU of HCG ED and about 6-8 months later, my nuts came back full force. I was only 39 at the time and didn’t want to be on lifetime TRT.

Now, at 55, I’m on lifetime TRT and it’s all good, so I intend blast and cruise for the remainder of my years.
Great discussion from everyone I enjoyed it very much I wish I could write more but I will have another question next week.
Anyone is open to keep this discussion going but next week will discuss proviron
I like it. Proviron is one of those that i have never messed with. Can’t wait to learn.
@rnmuscle I just re-read your post for the umpteenth time. I just picked up on the albert beckles reference. That’s a name I haven’t heard in decades. Good stuff! Thanks for all you do.
From Anabolics:
The anti-estrogenic drugs Clomid (clomiphene citrate) and Nolvadex (tamoxifen citrate) are also commonly used during the post-cycle period. These drugs are used to block the negative feedback inhibition of estrogen, which occurs primarily at the hypothalamus.356 This may foster the heightened release of GnRH, and subsequently LH and testosterone. While estrogen levels are not especially high in men, it is still a very strong inhibitor of testosterone release.357 Since it is also formed from the aromatization of testosterone in peripheral tissues, its role in the regulation of androgen biosynthesis is regarded as a fairly direct one. The purpose of using anti-estrogens is to both trigger correction in LH levels more quickly, and to augment total LH. They may also be necessary to combat gynecomastia in some individuals, which can occur even with low estrogen levels (it is partly a function of the androgen to estrogen balance in the breast).
It is important to note that the use of anti-estrogens alone is generally not regarded as an effectively strategy for addressing hormone recovery at the conclusion of a steroid cycle. This is because these drugs only work by fostering the heightened release of luteinizing hormone. We expect that the post-cycle window is already partly characterized by normal/high LH levels. Thus, while anti-estrogens may have an additive effect in this regard, they do not effectively and directly address the main roadblock to hormonal recovery after steroid use, namely testicular atrophy. Because of this, it is also generally advised to directly target the testes with hCG. This usually means the initiation of a traditional PCT program after every formidable period of AAS use, which utilizes all three of the medications discussed in this section.
Furthermore, with regard to the traditional hcg/clomid/nolva pct combo:
The following PCT program was developed by Dr. Michael Scally, one of the most well known and accomplished individuals in the field of anabolic steroids and male hormone replacement medicine. Scally has been a particularly strong force lobbying the medical community and government to recognize the hormonal imbalance that follows steroid use, something he has dubbed anabolic steroid induced hypogonadism (ASIH). He has also treated and done blood work on hundreds of patients, and while doing so developed the following PCT program. A slightly modified form of this program was outlined in a clinical report involving 19 healthy male subjects taking supraphysiological (highly suppressive) doses of testosterone cypionate and nandrolone decanoate for 12 weeks. Scally’s “HPGA Normalization Protocol” focuses on the combined use of hCG, Nolvadex, and Clomid, and is perhaps the most trusted and clinically supported post-cycle therapy program presently available.
This PCT program begins with a substantial dose of hCG (2000 IU every other day for 20 days). Anti-estrogens are also used during this period. This is potentially important because hCG may up-regulate testicular aromatase activity.358 Thus, their use can minimize both estrogenic side effects and reduce negative feedback inhibition of testosterone release. The anti-estrogens taken are tamoxifen citrate (20 mg twice per day) and clomiphene citrate (50 mg twice per day). Clomid is used for a shorter period of time, in a stepping down of the program’s medications. While in the first couple of weeks the anti- estrogens may not be highly effective, they should prove more critical towards the middle and end of the program. In the published version of Scally’s program (which is slightly modified from the above), normal hormonal function returned in all subjects within 45 days. This is a definite success, far more favorable than the protracted recovery window reported in the study with 250 mg/week of testosterone enanthate.
This is actually super dope imho because it’s not often we get actual scientific evidence for the right way to juice.
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