Bb rows how do you do them

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I bend over a lot more than most people. I get a lot more activation this way. The way you see most people do bb rows is at like 45 degree angle and they’ve very ballistic instead of controlled. When you see me do them they are basically pendlay style.
It all depends on what part/parts of your back you want to work… if I want to hit lats more than anything, I do underhand with scapular retraction before the row, if I want to hit my rhomboids and rear delts it’s overhand… if I want to really involve my core stabilizers as well as a little hamstrings, it’s pendalay rows
Try trap bar rows, or chest supported DB rows. The neutral grip is supposed to have more activation…. Or so they say this month.
I agree with @JB_rD81 , depends what you are trying to accomplish. Lats or upper back? The angle if the upper arm will be more of a determining factor as far as recruitment goes vs grip. Closer the upper arm stays to the midline the more lat, further away more upper back.
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