SB Labs

Belt Squats And My Findings

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I like belt squats a lot, good exercise for driving leg growth due to not having so much strain up back. I broke the off brand one at my gym though, hoping to get a new one by someone better, i told the owner and she said she would look into it.
When’s your next comp? Still curious as to carry over.

I haven’t had a bar on my back since august. I might take one for a ride this spring. Maybe
Ya their belt sucks. It really digs in. The hips

Ordered this one


Anyone have any idea what this one is like. Or any recommendations
It works brother. Years ago…15ish or so maybe more elitefts put a notice on their site for one of their expensive collegiate rakes… it was custom ordered for a basement so it’s shorter and had some scratches in the paint. I was the first caller and got a heck of a deal. It works for me beings I’m 5-9ish. I’ve got some real tall friends and they look funny in it. Hahaha
This is bad ass. Homemade shit always seems to work better. I like stacking plates on the ground for a deficit and sitting in the bottom of the squat for a few minutes with no load on the back.
@Poppy my work has a gym and I saw today that they have a belt squat machine.
I’ll have to check it out when I have some more time.
Been working a lot between my business and my career.
Personally for me. I haven’t found a downside to my belt squat.

I just did front squats after belt squats exclusively for ~6 months and was able to still do reps with 225 for multiple sets.

I could tell my body wasn’t used to the load up top but my legs handled it great.
Ominous said:
Been working a lot between my business and my career.
Understand that completely.

My best buddies dad told me once…”they say money can’t buy happiness but I can show you some miserable broke sons of bitches”.
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