Best 4-6 week Cut Cycle


Well-known member
Hello UGM members. I will keep this pretty short, but have a question that will have fairly diverse answers I’m sure. I’m looking to do a shorter than normal cut cycle of 4-6 weeks. I gather the norm is 8. So it needs to be powerful but not toxic, easy to take (oral preferred, but not necessary), and with less that 4 compounds (also just a preference). I threw this out to @Bigmurph and he wanted it in the public which is a great idea. Any serious input here would be fabulous guys.
Appreciate it.
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Im going to have to say Test P, Tren Ace and Anavar.

Start to finish weeks 1-6
Test P 75mg EOD
Tren Ace 100mg EOD
Var 50mg/day

Fasted Cardio for 20min AM every day. 1800 Calories or less. 50% protein, 35% fats, 15% carbs. 20min cardio post workout. Moderate weight at 20 to 30 reps, 2 to 3 sets each exercise. Minimal compound lifts. Focus whole body workouts.
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Thanks for the response bro. sounds good. I’ll look at my gear tonight. will probably only need the Var if I did this one. so the Tren and Var are really king here. Test just helps keep the muscle on? Why those particular esters?
You’d still need the test regardless because you don’t want to be completely shut down. The ester choice is because you want the compound coming on quick and peaking to full bioavailability as quickly as possible for such a short run. If you used longer esters you’d likely finish the cycle before they had a chance to show their full potential. I chose Var for this cycle because as far as I know, it’s the only oral AAS that actually has proven signs of lipolisis (fat burning) abilities
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Right on brother. Thank you. Sounds like a good plan here for sure. Anavar is fairly expensive if I remember correctly and somewhat hard to get the real deal unless you go pharma. PCS is probably the best way to go. I’ll start pricing and checking out what I have on hand.
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There’s a few domestic sponsors on the board with real Var and very reasonable prices. I know because I have run some of their Var and the wife has too. I might risk my own health at times but I would never put my wife at risk.
Mast won’t do shit to cut him in that short of a time and it won’t burn fat. At best, it would make him a little more vascular and harden up the muscle he’s obtaining. The Var can be timed better pre-workout and will actually help to burn fat.
But where did he say he wants to burn fat? I know it’s a cut cycle but he didn’t say his bf or anything pertaining to that .
Overall in that short a time how much is actually gonna be accomplished in a cutting cycle
To cut you gotta burn fat. Its not much more simple than that. You can make some serious progress in 4 to 6 weeks with proper nutrition and routines. I have a client that I helped prep for a wedding and got him down 12 pounds and decently cut in about the same timeframe. It’s really no different than having to make weight for a fight.
Also true lol. The problem with quick fixes/cuts like this is that it’s usually mostly water weight then maybe 8 or 9lbs cut off but as soon as you start back at your same old routine you’re bound to gain a few pounds back
Maybe cause I’m not a cutting type of guy I don’t fully understand it,but I somewhat understand how important dieting, training and rest are.
I have had to cut to make weight for fights and for grappling many times. It’s different though because the goal is to have your standard size and walking weight, then cut to make weight then do everything you can to gain the weight back and rehydrate your body. I’ve cut from 185 to 170 in just a few weeks many times and it’s hard as hell to do. Sweat suits, saunas, diuretics, liquid meals, hours of biking and rowing and ridiculous amounts of reps.

Im not sure what the end of this mission is for @Stirms but he can definitely cut quick. He just has to understand that it’s likely to come back just as fast.