Best 4-6 week Cut Cycle

That’s a actually not true at all using short esters you make your gains in the first 8wks.
If you were to run short esters say 12wks you would really not get much in the extra 4wks. The first 8wks are when your body is primed to grow after that you start to have cortisol steroid issues and inflammation issues that’s why the compounds you run really long are slow and steady and not really strong and rough on the body
For the sake of the question…test prop, npp, anadrol and pro viron with a blind a.i. like aromasin 3 xs a week. You asked for orals and not so toxic injects. Id do test long acting in front , test p , npp at 400 a week. If you can take 50mg a day of anadrol then good , pro viron 50 to 100. Aromasin 10 to 25 3xs/ week. I agree if it was little ol me… 4 - 6 weeks(i wouldnt diet 6 weeks but…) Test aques every day, test prop 350 a week, tren A 4 -500/week, masteron p 400/ week , aques winstrol 100 a day last 4 weeks…and halo 30 to 50 last 4 weeks. Then you can basically starve and if you have muscle get pretty hard. I always liked eating carbs when i felt the need. Cycle them based on your LBM etc. I always needed and never gave them up 50 - 100 2 hrs before bed or i never could sleep. Post workout is good. Then go by how you look. Youll aleays feel small
If your cutting weight its a whole different ballgame then retaining muscle and getting sliced for bbing…thats a look without worrying about your stamina or your right uppercut or being able to go deep on a double. You can rehydrate and feel good in 24hrs imo.
Wow, I was not expecting anything like this type of conversation. First off, sorry I didn’t elaborate more. I just wanted to get some thoughts around it, things that others have done, etc.

@John - I was hoping to get oral tabs because they are easy, no other reason really. Pinning is fine and all, its just a hassle sometimes. I feel like compounds are what are going to drive this the most, and of course diet, etc. which I will touch on shortly.

@Bigmurph - appreciate the input. Test and Tren are in both yours and @Ironside 's cycle here, so those are in. Thankfully, I have Test P from @King-of-lions so that is in. Looks like I’ll have to order the Tren-A. Still torn on Mast Prop, just because I don’t know much about it. I’ve taken Tbol before and liked it alot actually. I’ve not taken Anavar and am curious about its sides.

I’m not 100% on what my BF is at right now. I’m seeing some def in the ab area, so can’t be too horrible. Obviously, there is fat there though and this cut is just to get it to show even more. I’m not looking to lose muscle, or really even gain it necessarily while on the cut. I know it’s possible, but this is just a maintenance thing for muscle and optimal fat loss.

Along with some assistance with our AAS friends, I plan to do full keto starting at 50g of carbs the first 3 weeks and cut it to 20g of carbs for the last 3 weeks. Probably a 40/40/20 to a 45/45/10 on the macros. The kicker on top of this is the intermittent fasting I’ll be doing the whole time. Just your basic 16/8 - 11am-7pm eating windows. I’ve done all of this before and lost 10lbs without assistance in a month. I know it works, I actually like the keto too, so shouldn’t be an issue. I still do the keto about 5 times a week and carb up on the weekends.

I have no issue gaining a few Lbs back after my Vacation in May. Matter of fact, I will most likely be trying to bulk up some more, so in my opinion that’s a non issue.

@Ironside - The end mission is just to look good naked overall, and at all times. After this divorce, its going to be me and the honey’s if you catch my drift.
@rnmuscle - That’s a whole new ball of wax in there. I haven’t taken 80% of that stuff. For me right now, the simpler the better. I appreciate your input and want to look more into what you’re saying here. I’ll have to read up on some of it. I only recently heard of the Test-aqua. I was trying to stick to no more than 4 compounds for safety’s sake.

Do you think cutting a PCT short or not doing it at all is ok or not ok? I realize I would need to get my blood work done before making that decision and all.
So my main concern is why is everyone quick to go to gear. Why not diet since you’re doing such a short cycle. Put In the work to actually diet and train and do cardio.

Everyone is so quick to rely on drugs. Let’s do some real work and kick ass in the gym with proper nutrition and diet first then use gear.
Yo @PHD. It’s not that I am quick to jump to gear, just that it was the plan all along. Do a bulk phase, pct, then cut phase. I’m more or less following what I had planned from the beginning. I hear you though bro. However, if you look at that long response, you will see my diet will be in line and obviously I’ll still be working out.
Honestly, I’m liking your thoughts on this a lot. Especially the diet part. I’d probably increase to the 100mg like Bigmurph said, but yours is as simple as I want it. Still need to look into that Mast or get more input from the group on it. I’m thankful for the input everyone.
I thought I mentioned diet, as did other guys, he asked about gear and I asked why oral or why not mast p. However as I’m not as knowledgeable so I don’t always respond with a first answer such as diet and training.
You asked for advice on a 6 week cycle and the advice given was good. I dont understand why someone would comment assuming you dont already train hard and have your diet down. Whats this forum for?
Straight up… I didn’t bring the test up evenly with the tren because I’ve seen guys have issues more often than not when their test is ran the same or higher than tren.
Cool. Just saw all the gear suggestions and was wondering why nothing with diet. When the posts get this long and people write books cough cough lol I stop
Reading lol
@PHD Sorry to bore bro lol…

I know you know whats what. I’ve listened to a lot of your advice and criticisms.
Never been wrong on anything.
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Ok, cool. Thanks for explaining that… Sounds like a good thing to take heed on. I’ll leave that as is.

This is for anyone - What about Mast P?