Best Sale Ever - FLASH LABS

I hate to even ask, when does one order to actually do free shipping FRIDAY? WEDNESDAY? Lets say you take care of everything thursday. I know this is a total “rookie” question buts funds are low in the Supplement Bank!!!
Place the order on Friday any time before 9pm est/12am pst. The website algorithm is programmed to give you free shipping then.
Did my chest and back today.
Here’s my FLASH ⚡ LABS current weekly stack:
  • 250mg test prop(50mg 5x/week)
  • 175mg NPP(5 shots a week)
  • 150mg masteron enanthate(3 shots a week)
  • 4ius HGH per day split in 3 shots a day
    Picture from today.
    53 year old dirty old man
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So, you’re taking 875mg/week of NPP, or did I read that wrong??

I’m currently
375/week Test C
450/week Mast E
450/week NPP

I like where Test is at, and have had decent results with current dosing for the 11 weeks I’ve been on, but wasn’t sure how much I should (if any) go up on NPP & MAST E???
Good program, Masteron doesnt do anything for me unless I’m lean. I know the estrogen effects , reported SHBG effects are there, just cant tell unless bodyfat is low…personally over 50-100 a day is max,max. like 450…weekdays 😁
Noooo!! Haha 😂
I’m doing this per week:
250mg test prop per week
175mg NPP per week
150mg masteron enanthate per week

Don’t go higher on your NPP and masteron. That’s plenty!
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NPP every 3 days is fine. I just like doing shots most everyday when I wake up with my 29 gauge 1/2” insulin pin just for the heck of it. I’m sure it’s not true but I swear I can feel it the day I take it as far as with propionate and phenylpropionate.
Yeah, I thought I misinterpreted! 😂

Was going to run these 450mg doses out for a few more weeks, then taper down Test back to my TRT dose, and other two down to 200/week for a bit longer.

I understand the smaller gauge pinning and have done that in past.