SB Labs

Biden is putting in place a gun tax

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If you own a firearm that has a extended magazine anything over 10rds or is a semi automatic rifle you are going to be taxed $200 a piece.

He believes that we have the choice to sell our guns to the government or pay $200 for each piece and register them with the federal government.

I sense a civil war coming because what are they going to do go to everyone who is law abiding and tax there guns but criminals will just keep their guns without being taxed.
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He is the Commander in Chief - he can push it through if he really want to. What a dick move though.
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I’ve just heard about these things happening for so many years and nothing come of it. It’s all just political talk to me. Like that wall boy that thing really got built didn’t.
The wall did get built they haven’t finished it but customs and boarder patrol knocked down smugglers gultch which was a mountain with a valley it no longer exists and they built the wall starting there and have worked on it every day for 3 yrs now.

You can goto cbp dot gov and they should have information about how far along they are
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