Blood Work During Tapered Cruise

3x in one case and 4x in the other. Apparently, hepatic failure generally occurs at AST or ALT levels of 1000 or more, so according to my internist, I’m in no immediate danger. No yellow eyes or anything like that.

I’m dropping the antibiotic immediately, as my doc thinks my infection is viral anyway, not bacterial. She believes the antibiotic and the covid vaccine are the principal causes here and so wants me retested two weeks after my second vaccine shot. In the meantime, Liv52 and no alcohol and possibly gluthione.
Not going anywhere! I’ve researched it all a bit obsessively the past few hours, and my AST/ALT values fall within the “moderately elevated” category, meaning they’re not horrific, but indicate some underlying issue that needs to be investigated and corrected. I’m hoping it’s just the antibiotics I’ve been, the COVID vaccine, plus all the Tylenol in the Nyquil I have been taking at night to sleep with the sinus infection. All of those can hit liver values pretty hard, especially when on even cruise levels of gear. But I’m taking no chances and starting my Glutiathone injections and COq10 injections (I can get both at the same place), as well as the LIV52 and no alcohol. With any luck, my retest will come back good.
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It was great! Carpaccio with black truffles and cannelloni with marinara. We did have a nice bottle of cab too, which in retrospect wasn’t great for my current condition, but oh well. Was really nice to be at one of our old haunts and see it back to normal, with almost a full house.