Haha a little distance isn’t a bad thing. I told my wife to log her current run, and she said “that’s your little meat head frat party, I’m not looking to join”.
Yuck. Been off proviron exactly 36 hours and my BP is already down to 128/82. @NeuroRN. Wife had to get blood done today so I asked them to check my bp
Am seeing a little healing with the peptides. Have two more weeks to
Yet on them. She is having no sides with the frag. Is slimming in the waist a little bit also.
Not seeing a big change yet from the bpc157 and tb500. Going to increase boc157 to 500 mcg for next two weeks. Also getting the good hgh from OP gonna increase that to a repair dose for three months. 4 iu per day
Could be quality of product or dosage. It helps the wife with her heal. But we were without the Bpc 157 for three days and her heal got bad again. It definitely does something to give her temporary relief for the day. Will keep you posted on the results of increase dosage.
Interesting. Well I’m glad it is helping her!! I wonder if yours is more related to all the mass you put on in a short amount of time… it’s helped with old injuries for us… not so much the heavy lifting pains, does that make sense?
That could be. Op said I was probably over training and now off the juice my body feels like it should if I was overtraining. Course back on the juice now so am gonna have to figure something else out. How do I not over train. It’s all I wanna do once I start. I can spend three hours at the gym and wanna stay longer. Least last time I was on NPP.
I got this today. It has heat and massage on it. Two to three minutes upside down should stretch out the spine nicely. This should help back issues tremendously.
I had inversion boots when I was a teenager. Absolutely loved them. I’d do a set of 20 situps with the boots on and hooked to a bar after every workout and feel like a monster when I was done. Miss that. Enjoy the inversion table!
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