Brothers tell me what you think


Well-known member
ive added anavar and T400 to my already eod test prop 100 , tren ace 75, and GH 4 IU daily, any suggestions on dosing? currently was gonan do one T400 1-2x per week, prop evod, tren eod, and gh daily also have letrazole which I will take in .5 dose 2 x per week
I agree here add the anavar see if you like it then instead of upping with t400 why don’t you increase your already current test p and if sides don’t get bad the tren too not by much say 25 mg per shot you will be surprised what it will do
Oh yeah. Forgot about the var. how much do you plan on running? I just don’t think there’s any reason to add the t400. But I don’t know what the goal is! That’s just my opinion. Stick with the var.
i stuck a shot of t400 last night, then I did my regular prop and tren today 1.75, I also took one anavar, I ended up with a bottle of anavar and t400 so I just thought I would incorporate it into this cycle for maximum results I train hard and heavy am and pm 6 days a week
I think you want to Make it work for no reason. More is not better, in your case more is just more. For the sake of more. Save your t400 for the next run, I agree with @Raphael3636 proviron is always a good ancillary. It sounds like you want to add things in and you already started before you have a plan, and you just wanna do it.

No one knows your goals for this cycle, other than add Anavar and t400. If that’s what you wanna do mission accomplished.
I’m not saying it won’t work, bit from the looks of your stack, it’s a typical cut stack, so I’m assuming your trying to shred up. When ever I cut I like to keep test as low as possible right in the 300s EW. From what I understand your coming up on 1g test ew, that’s alot especially if you want your Tren and Anavar to shine
Keep it simple man
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Ok so heres what I am doing now ;

Test Prop 1 ml eod
Tren 1ml eod
Anavar 50 mg a day
GH 4 IU a day
T400 1 shot per week
letro .5 eod
not sure lol im getting tires of beating off im focused on training lmao, anyways ok ya my soldier is fine as far as I know not much pussy in these areas LMAO