Building Lean and Mean

OK. So your 100mg a week. So .5 ml shot twice a week? That’s not even a good TRT dosing in my opinion. My TRT Is 280mg a week. And that puts me at 750 on my blood level. Example of my last blood work.
Your Value 747.2 ng/dL
Standard Range
264.0 - 916 ng/dL

On cycle I am at 500mg Up to 800mg a week. Pinning Monday/Thursday. On Tren I was TrenA micro dosing 33mg every day. That’s just the quick numbers. As far as test. You sure it is Test C? Most prop is 100mg a ml. Just curious.
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No shit. My first ride was .33mg every day. A gram would give me 5 weeks at that dosing. And that was my first time. Could you imagine a gram a week for your first ride?!? I’d probably explode. 😂
Soooooo for clarity:

Tren A - bottle 100mg/mL
Test C - bottle 200mg/mL

Pin 2 x per week? .5ml of Tren A + .5ml of Test C in one syringe per pin?

Apologies for all the questions, but I have been listening to a bunch of fools previously at the gym who were using bunk gear. So I want to ensure I get this right.
Striker2beach said:
Tren A - bottle 100mg/mL
run .5ml EOD of the tren ace.
run .5ml twice a week (mon and thurs for example) of the test cyp.

the idea of running cycles is to keep your blood level as stable as possible.

If this is one of your first/second cycles, I highly suggest not doing tren.
Instead, I’d try a test cyp (or enth)/mast e(or p) and with a mild oral such as, var.
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Fasting for 15 hours on a cycle? 🤦‍♂️
You’re going to be so ridiculously hungry, you’re going to hate it.
Optimal would be to eat every 3-4 hours.
What’s your maintenance calories at? I’d slowly add 500 from there and adjust as needed.
Truthfully, I would recommend a test only cycle to start with. Before that though your gonna need to do alot of research and get bloodwork. When I was younger I abused tren, i have nothing good to say about it,
its a wonderful compound when your ready used responsibly, but you could end up doing irreversible damage and getting nothing out of it. A gram of tren a week could kill you if your not careful, it will definitely fuck you up. I’m not at being a dick I just don’t want to see you get hurt my man.
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That’s a significant amount of tren not to mention for someone to be administering for a first time.
You’ll grow just fine off 400-500mg Test first time around. No need to use esters like tren off the jump.
150mg per week is a better option when you do decide. From there you can titrate up in time.
Smaller more frequent doses of test will keep levels more stable vs large spikes.
400 -500 the FIRST time bro, get out of here, YOU start low and go high, stop givin stupid advice.

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Welcome to ugmuscle brother glad to have you around could you write an introduction for the community so that everyone can get to know a bit about you?

Considering trt is 200mg/wk on avg… I’m pretty sure 400-500mg isn’t as high as you are making it out to be.

Gotcha… yeah test was what I was referring to…150mg on tren was a suggested dose per week down the road. :+1:t2: All good
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With that many questions and misunderstanding clearly showing a lack or experience and knowledge do yourself a favor and skip the tren for a couple cycles. You need to do at least one, preferably a couple cycles of test alone. It will give you an idea of what it can do and what to expect. It will also let you see how you do as far as side effects go and figure out how to deal with them. First cycle with test at 400 - 500/week you should see some quality gains and body transformation. Run test o ky while researching how to deal with estrogen and make sure you have PCT ready when you’re done. If you saw no change running test at 500mg/week it was bunk.
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OK. Test C. I’d run MondayThursday. For me, I’d pin 2.5 ml on those days. Run 600mg a week for 12 weeks for your first cycle. As far as Tren… I’d leave it off the cycle till you have a couple good cycles of test only under your belt. If you really really want to run the Tren. Run .3ml every day. No sides. And a good first introduction. If you are running Tren. Run only 6 weeks. Front 6 Weeks if you can manage The compound. Honestly. From what you posted so far, you need to read up more. Do a little more research. And run a test only cycle. Without knowing your diet. Training experience and cycles you’ve ran, this become a bit of bro science to help you. My gut says. Train hard eat clean for another 2 years before you get on the merrygo round. Some get on and stay on. And that’s no bueno.
Amazing Gents,

Thanks for the useful advice, it is definitely a game changer being a member here.

The past 1year I been fed bullshit by guys selling me bunk gear, giving me worthless advice. As well as telling me the reason I am not seeing gains is my body, is my body is getting use to the cycles, so I need to pin higher volumes.

Trust can be brutal, spent a lot and gained nothing.

Once again thanks Gents.

P.S. placed an order with purity source labs so will keep you updated on how my cycle goes.

Hopefully one day I can ad value to this forum and be as helpful as all of you.
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