SB Labs

Calves and fore arms


Well-known member
During my years of bbuilding i have seen that calves and fore arms are the most neglected muscle groups. I believe people don’t train their fore arms cause they feel they have already receive enough work; people neglect their calves training …cause they don’t really care for them …some kind of laziness or thoroughness to train well. Me , i train my fore arms always after biceps in the following manner: I finish biceps work out with an exercise for the brachialis and long supinator like hammer curls or pronated grip arm curls, so the end of biceps is the begining of fore arms work out; then usually i super-set wrist curls/reverse grip wrist curls. My calves have always lacked of size but they have great shape, i hit the twice as frequent as any other muscle : Standing calf extensions 6+20 and calf extensions on the leg press machine 6+20.
How do you train your calve sand fore arms?
I do external dumbbell wrist curls for forearms. Calves about 3 times weekly. Different things depending how i feel. But i try to stretch calves daily with a prostretch by my door. So they get at least 1-2 times a day.
These are two body parts that can be very tough to get symmetrical with the rest of the body. For forearms I do hammers, Zottmans, wrist curls, farmer carries, and lots and lots of pull ups. I have several sets of Captains of Crush grippers up to 167.5lbs that I use while watching TV or sitting around.

I train calves 3-4 days a week depending on my specific weekly routine. I alternate between heavy/low rep and light/high rep. I super set standing calf raises with seated calf raises. Every set to failure. I also change the position of my feet by rotating my toes inward, neutral or outward. I stretch between every set. On occasion I finish calves by walking on my tip toes as far as I can… which isn’t far if I did everything right that day. 😉 I found this routine to work well for me over the past 12 months.

As TrenGod stated stretching is a big deal for any muscle and something many of us overlook.
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