SB Labs

Cardio, Diet and Muscle Growth

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I usually set a treadmill to max incline and kind of just stroll at 4.5 mph. My heart rate usually settles around 120 but cardiac drift gets it a little higher as I approach the end of it which is about an hour.
Darn dude. 4.5 mph is not a stroll for me. Maybe closer to 3 mph but then again I’m short fat and lazy
  1. You’re not fat. I can see your abs.
  2. You’re not lazy. Your do way more in a day than I do.
  3. You might be short, and old. BUT. 4.5 is not a stroll for me either, and I have some long Damn legs.
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I love you man! Hahaha yeah ive got the legendary family inseam… 30 inches. Hahaha
Hahaha my dads dad. My gramps was so short his lifelong nickname was peewee. 5’4”
You might want to can any sort of conditioning for 6 months or so and see how your body responds. You can pack on some muscle mass.

20 rep squat set with your body weight on the bar will be a good finisher and keep you conditioned.
Is she athletic and at least mildly attractive I’m trying g to make some edge rushers and left tackles out here
I usually do 3 is but heart rates 4ight so doesn’t matter. Like some stated 1 hour of cardio may be the reason do 30 see what happens if still nothing maybe 15. Goal is to pack on muscle but keep some of the fat back so some cardio is good but to much is a hinderence
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