My first choice would have been to be part of the lucky sperm club… born to filthy rich parents. Apparently that didn’t happen.
Joined Marines at 18… passed up a slot (scholarship) at the naval academy to be an officer. One of the worst decisions I’ve made but college wasn’t a subject in our house growing up… never so i was ignorant to what that meant.
Did my hitch and got out-another very bad decision.
Ended up with a fed gov job working (wrenching) on something I had no training on. I dated the big bosses…secretaries daughter while I was in military and she wanted me to marry her. We broke up due to her addiction… she died of aids very early on after getting out of prison. Mama still treated me like a son. Got promoted up through there several times. Retired with 4 years military and 32 years and 4 months at the plant for 36 years plus.
I’m now an engineer working for a government contractor… basically looking at stuff I retired from. Working FOR a bunch of college graduates that are closer to my grandkids than my adult children. Been there about 7 years trying to straighten them up. Hahaha.
I have a great retirement pension and 401k but that’s not enough to raise a kid so that’s why I’m still working.
Advice…. Everything
@Neuro said is spot on. I’ve done lots of things wrong in my life. Not sure if I have anything for you. Let me get back to you.