
With my upcoming transition I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and networking. So just figured it’d be a good topic to get the gears turning!

What do you guys currently do for a living? Do you enjoy the route you have taken? If there’s anything you could do, where money didn’t matter, what would it be?
Great question! I’m an ICU nurse. I went back to school in my early 20’s to do so, and was by far not the oldest in my class.

I’m glad I chose it when I did, because I knew it was what I wanted to do, rather than deciding when I was in college the first time. I had the drive and determination because I KNEW it was what I wanted. It’s changed a lot since Covid and I can’t say I’d recommend it for the actual career but for the flexibility.

I think there’s two routes:

Best option: monetize what you love, and the money won’t matter because you’re so happy going to work. Kinda that Gary Vaynerchuk mentality of if you love the smurfs then find a way to make money doing something with smurfs.

Less great but still good: find a job you’re okay with but gives the time and balance to do what you love on the side. Which is what nursing is for me. 3 days a week at work then I have 4 days to do whatever I want without work responsibility.

Know thyself. If you love the hustle. Then hustle. For me, I hate that shit. I wanna leave work at work. I’ll never be rich by money standards but I know I’ll never have to worry about finding a job and l will never have to bring work home.
My first choice would have been to be part of the lucky sperm club… born to filthy rich parents. Apparently that didn’t happen.

Joined Marines at 18… passed up a slot (scholarship) at the naval academy to be an officer. One of the worst decisions I’ve made but college wasn’t a subject in our house growing up… never so i was ignorant to what that meant.

Did my hitch and got out-another very bad decision.

Ended up with a fed gov job working (wrenching) on something I had no training on. I dated the big bosses…secretaries daughter while I was in military and she wanted me to marry her. We broke up due to her addiction… she died of aids very early on after getting out of prison. Mama still treated me like a son. Got promoted up through there several times. Retired with 4 years military and 32 years and 4 months at the plant for 36 years plus.

I’m now an engineer working for a government contractor… basically looking at stuff I retired from. Working FOR a bunch of college graduates that are closer to my grandkids than my adult children. Been there about 7 years trying to straighten them up. Hahaha.

I have a great retirement pension and 401k but that’s not enough to raise a kid so that’s why I’m still working.

Advice…. Everything @Neuro said is spot on. I’ve done lots of things wrong in my life. Not sure if I have anything for you. Let me get back to you.
Great question! I’m an ICU nurse. I went back to school in my early 20’s to do so, and was by far not the oldest in my class.

I’m glad I chose it when I did, because I knew it was what I wanted to do, rather than deciding when I was in college the first time. I had the drive and determination because I KNEW it was what I wanted. It’s changed a lot since Covid and I can’t say I’d recommend it for the actual career but for the flexibility.

I think there’s two routes:

Best option: monetize what you love, and the money won’t matter because you’re so happy going to work. Kinda that Gary Vaynerchuk mentality of if you love the smurfs then find a way to make money doing something with smurfs.

Less great but still good: find a job you’re okay with but gives the time and balance to do what you love on the side. Which is what nursing is for me. 3 days a week at work then I have 4 days to do whatever I want without work responsibility.

Know thyself. If you love the hustle. Then hustle. For me, I hate that shit. I wanna leave work at work. I’ll never be rich by money standards but I know I’ll never have to worry about finding a job and l will never have to bring work home.
Great advice bro
My first choice would have been to be part of the lucky sperm club… born to filthy rich parents. Apparently that didn’t happen.

Joined Marines at 18… passed up a slot (scholarship) at the naval academy to be an officer. One of the worst decisions I’ve made but college wasn’t a subject in our house growing up… never so i was ignorant to what that meant.

Did my hitch and got out-another very bad decision.

Ended up with a fed gov job working (wrenching) on something I had no training on. I dated the big bosses…secretaries daughter while I was in military and she wanted me to marry her. We broke up due to her addiction… she died of aids very early on after getting out of prison. Mama still treated me like a son. Got promoted up through there several times. Retired with 4 years military and 32 years and 4 months at the plant for 36 years plus.

I’m now an engineer working for a government contractor… basically looking at stuff I retired from. Working FOR a bunch of college graduates that are closer to my grandkids than my adult children. Been there about 7 years trying to straighten them up. Hahaha.

I have a great retirement pension and 401k but that’s not enough to raise a kid so that’s why I’m still working.

Advice…. Everything @Neuro said is spot on. I’ve done lots of things wrong in my life. Not sure if I have anything for you. Let me get back to you.
Appreciate you sharing
LMy first choice would have been to be part of the lucky sperm club… born to filthy rich parents. Apparently that didn’t happen.

Joined Marines at 18… passed up a slot (scholarship) at the naval academy to be an officer. One of the worst decisions I’ve

Did my hitch and got out-another very bad decision.

Ended up with a fed gov job working (wrenching) on something I had no training on. I dated the big bosses…secretaries daughter while I was in military and she wanted me to marry her. We broke up due to her addiction… she died of aids very early on after getting out of prison. Mama still treated me like a son. Got promoted up through there several times. Retired with 4 years military and 32 years and 4 months at the plant for 36 years plus.

I’m now an engineer working for a government contractor… basically looking at stuff I retired from. Working FOR a bunch of college graduates that are closer to my grandkids than my adult children. Been there about 7 years trying to straighten them up. Hahaha.

I have a great retirement pension and 401k but that’s not enough to raise a kid so that’s why I’m still working.

Advice…. Everything
[QUOTE="Poppy, post: 250543, member: 3390"]
Do you have any “GI Bill” left? Not sure what the college benefits are called now.

Do you have any “GI Bill” left? Not sure what the college benefits are called now.
Thankfully, I’ve only been using Tuition assistance so it’s untouched
I work with several retirees (military) that xfered theirs to their kids.
That’s where I’m leaning as well, was considering using it to finish up my degree but I’m so close I don’t mind paying my way for 2 more semesters.

how do you like working in the fed gov sector? I have developed some great connections from various agencies but I’m not sure I wanna continue on into another demanding world full time.
That’s where I’m leaning as well, was considering using it to finish up my degree but I’m so close I don’t mind paying my way for 2 more semesters.

how do you like working in the fed gov sector? I have developed some great connections from various agencies but I’m not sure I wanna continue on into another demanding world full time.
Nite night time. I will hit you back early tomorrow
That’s where I’m leaning as well, was considering using it to finish up my degree but I’m so close I don’t mind paying my way for 2 more semesters.

how do you like working in the fed gov sector? I have developed some great connections from various agencies but I’m not sure I wanna continue on into another demanding world full time.
The fed gov is weird. You get great vacation/sick leave time. The health insurance is ok. Government contractors tend to get better health insurance. Pay is good but the contractors tend to get better pay.

Lots and lots of rules and regulations in the fed gov… that’s what helped me to decide to retire. In the contract world, we don’t have nearly as many mandatory rules and regulations…

The contractor matched my pay with a little extra right from the start.

Gov retirement has excellent matching funds for retirement plus a pension plus you collect ss.

It might be a whole new ballgame with trumps doge running wild. I do believe that folks like me and where I was are just a speck on the radar AND we actually produce a product that supports the warfighter helps.

Keep in mind all my perspective is from an area way out of the swamp.

My advice is submit resumes and see what turns up. Keep one thing in mind… government or contract… everything is negotiable don’t ever let em tell you “we can’t do that” … that’s a lie, they can do whatever they want.
My dad and I have a small "business" just him and i,and another that helps on Friday n saturdays,we do interior/exterior painting,sheet rocking,power washing mostly. While there no benefits,it's all under the table.make decent money.we don't advertise whatsoever,all our work comes thru word of favorite part is,I don't have a boss,we make our own hours,and when I'm having mental issues,I can call outta work whenever I want with no repercussions. And after all that,I actually enjoy painting,AAAAND i can smoke weed whenever I want at work.
One more downside to fed gov. Nepotism runs wild. Especially the farther you get from the swamp. My place employs 3500-4000 folks. I’m about 2-3 hours from any big metropolis so it’s the big money maker and baby bubbas are everywhere… there’s 4-5 generations working there. Sometimes it’s a good thing most of the time it’s a disaster.
I totally missed this… GO BACK AND GET YOUR SHEEPSKIN (DEGREE). Another really big regret I have… in and out… there’s absolutely no reason I don’t have my masters except for being a sorry lazy ass. For the record I have zero degrees…
I still have credits on my GI BILL,I had to put money into it while active-duty,but what I contributed while seving,compared to the benefits I have now,100% totally worth it.
I totally missed this… GO BACK AND GET YOUR SHEEPSKIN (DEGREE). Another really big regret I have… in and out… there’s absolutely no reason I don’t have my masters except for being a sorry lazy ass. For the record I have zero degrees…
I went back and got mine. Never used a day of it lol.
But you got it if you change direction in life.
It won't help. The fields i would want now don't really care about degrees but about certifications that you take private courses/study for.

The education system moves too slow in technology now that by the time you get a degree in a field you're learning old technology that is really no longer used and years behind. Most the people with degrees still need to get the same certifications.