SB Labs



IFBB Pro -Coach - sponsored athlete
Staff member
Ok ladies and gents I’ve been doing this routine for a couple of months pretty much the same except changed up rep range and set range. I’ve been noticing some nice changes with this. Give it a try especially the shoulders

4x12-15 cable flies (really focus on the squeeze and flexing your chest) use a warm up and pre-exhaust set
4x12-15 incline dumbbell
4x12-15 flat bench (I like to slide back on bench and let the bar hit up near my neck more emphasis on upper pec don’t go heavy cause puts shoulders in vulnerable position focus on deep stretch and flexing chest hard up top)
4x12-15 flat dumbbell flies (hang head off the end of bench for better contraction)

4x12-15 upright rows wide grip pull with elbows
4x12-15 seated hammer strength press
4-5x12-15 seated side laterals. (Do these like D.C. Training go about 50% range of motion go heavy as possible)

4x12-15 seated dumbbell curls
7 x12-15 laying cable curls
4x12-15 rope press downs
6x12-15 weighted dips

Now this is from my coach I did not make this workout up so I won’t even attempt to claim it as my own but it kicks my ass each time. Please guys don’t copy and paste this any where else this is for members only here. I pay good money for these workouts and don’t want them posted all over the net but I don’t mind sharing with UGMuscle family. Have fun with this and give me feedback
@TG @Bigmurph @SIEGMUND @calmb4dastorm @
Are you then training bodyparts twice in 6 to 8 days? I really liked when I did basically a push pull 3 day split. Trained everything 2 xs a week and hams actually 3! It was hard to lower the volume at first but once I trusted in " no wasted sets" I really liked it. Thanks for reminding me. If I do just chest, just back… I swear I wanna do every angle or machine there is because to me six days is way too long between.
No I train every other day. So the next day back in I’ll hit same muscle groups just different order different exercises. Example:


Next day back in

Something like this. So I’m hitting certian parts 3 times a week and others twice.
I used to hit some massive workouts like this especially when I was cutting. People would always give me shit saying hats way too many sets in one Lift but I always enjoyed them.
Obviously you know what’s up. I like that a lot. At this point, I’m gonna close the weak point chapter after this year, but I really have seen if you or me actually could keep "every set counts the recovery is no problem. I tried the pump sets method and I felt good but it was hard to stay focused. I’d do chest, delt… Back, arms… Legs. After chest, delta I’d do a giant set for legs, after back arms I’d do like decline fly’s, hammer press, and side-front-rear delt raise, etc, etc. Just get blood to yesterdays muscles.
@PHD thanks for sharing. I will put it to use over the next 4-6 weeks.

I use the guillotine press a lot on flat bench. There is some credibility to the increased muscle activation.
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