Chinese growth hormone big question

I was running it for weight loss, but I cant really tell if the changes to my diet, the trt optimizing and the loss of appetite because of my divorce had more to do with it, or the trt worked. I did go from 258 to 213 and look better than I have in years though. I am just freaked out to stop the HGH because I don’t want to go back to being heavy! It gives me some hope that everyone says it is overrated though if that makes any strange sense. Lol
From the first day of Junior college, until around, well exactly july 8 1996!!! I thought I was the bitchs dream. Never paid for a thing, except my sauce. I wasn’t mean and I never really asked for anything. Yes they were women! but kinda insecure and I didn’t care about anything but bbing. I paid the tax back 100 times. My Alicia Keyes GF came in and said, she was 100 lbs and 5’4", Im having my Child and if you want to be a piece of shit and skeedaddle, fine. I don’t need you. Oh, you’ll pay child support but don’t think for a minute…went on for eternity. I did not say a word…not one… I walked outside and cried and cried. Then I was happy. we stayed together for the prego plus 4years. I have never and probably will never get married. I don’t know a parent that thinks they did it all right, but now shes an adult. I thought Baies and little children need money, so I worked 80 hours a week in sales and lost a significant amount of muscle mass. I find out later, they always need money but especially pre- teen through about now is when I can give it without being asked "Dad, It’s really important…I would stay 99lbs if it means she continues to live a happy and contented life and gets through this daily festival of horror as well as she knows how. The current PARTNER in life has made up for the past too. when we met, people would do a double take on me still and her. Then, No more me but its cool. I said fuck it 2 or 3 times why should I train if I can’t take what I want…WA WA WaH. She wants me around I guess. But we have had some where I just stayed in bed. My friends, same thing. We knew we cant stay total fucking diesel for life or the life could be short. I really like what SEth feroce was doing, “looking good naked” I have my doubts about anyone even a former pro looking fantastic on 200 per week. But he has supplement company and seems like he does everything else right. But that’s a lot of stress and daily fires to put out. Jay cutler is probably the best content right now. For me, to see him look just regular big lean guy…looks great. and he just trains honest. He tells you when those weights are way heavier than ever…and what a businessman…damn.
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I had few mates using it and as per their experience NEVER PLAYING WITH YOUR INSULIN…(and forget about HGH and the whole family of peptised like stuff). Insulin it’s a very delicate mechanism on your body and when this f** up you cant go back…
Stick to the most known and safer gears out there ( test, deca, etc…)