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Cialis- more than bigswole’s drug of choice


ICU nurse/Moderator
I found this interesting and enlightening. Turns out it does a whole lot more than make you stand an salute. The more I learn the more I’m beginning the think of aging as any other disease and looking for ways to slow the disease process. This will be one I add to the mix.


Cialis (Tadalifil) is a PDE5 inhibitor (i.e. a vasodilator, which describes a drug that ‘opens’ your blood vessels for increased blood flow). It is an FDA-approved medication in the USA for benign prostate hyperplasia(BPH), a condition where the prostate constantly grows in size as a man ages. Cialis can also treat high blood pressure, but it is marketed under the brand name Adcirca for this specific purpose. Additionally, it will help individuals with normal blood pressure who are looking to improve their current numbers .

What if we told you that Cialis can also reduce inflammation in the body? It has been proven to reduce C-reactive protein levels (one important biomarker of body inflammation), and in doing so, it drastically lowers the buildup of plaque in your arteries This also makes Cialis a cardio protective drug.

Unsurprisingly, there are breakthrough studies showing that Cialis has powerful protective effects against several clinical scenarios including myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury, doxorubicin and post-MI, heart failure, cardiac hypertrophy and heart transplantation. In plain English, Cialis is clinically proven to help prevent heart disease and reduce the probability of heart attacks.

On top of all that, Cialis has been proven to increase lean muscle tissue in healthy aging males, while improving their testosterone-to-estrogen ratios. Because of these benefits, some men may be able to use a lower dosage of an AI medication if Cialis is also being taken at daily low doses. The less you have to rely on AI medications, the better results you will see with your HDL cholesterol levels and your bone mineral density as you get older.

Finally, a big fear of prescribing testosterone to patients is the fear of prostate enlargement Cialis is proven to relax the smooth muscles of the prostate, ultimately reducing any symptoms of BPH.

How Does It Work:

When a man is sexually stimulated, nitric oxide is released into the penis. Nitric oxide enables the production of cGMP (Cyclic guanosine monophosphate), which controls the dilation (opening) and contraction (closing) of the blood vessels that carry blood to and from the penis. Another substance, PDE5 (phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor), destroys cGMP. When this occurs, the blood vessels return to their normal size and the erection ends. Cialis stops PDE5 from destroying cGMP, thereby causing the erection to last longer.

Cialis also works by increasing nitric oxide formation throughout the entire body. This causes vasodilation (opening of blood vessels) and improved blood flow to many tissues, including the brain. The improved blood flow also provides a better ‘pump’ in the gym . In short, dosing Cialis at low levels will not only strengthen erections and protect the brain, but it will also improve exercise performance through vasodilation of the muscle cells.

Side Effects

Cialis, when used daily at low dosages, causes very few side effects. The reported side effects from taking too much Cialis include nausea, headache, flushing, dizziness, runny nose, indigestion, and muscle aches. Most of these side effects make sense, as dilating your blood vessels may cause your blood pressure to change. Therefore, a man who is already prescribed a nitrate drug for heart problems or chest pain should not use Cialis. Like any new drug you introduce into your daily regimen, consult with your physician and start at very low doses. It is highly unlikely that you will suffer any of the mentioned side effects if you use safe effective dosing.


2.5-7mg daily. With a up 30-40 mg dose if using it for sex. Then return to your regularly scheduled programming low dose.

This write up comes from one of my favorite books about trt and hormone optimization.

The following are the articles that back up the claims made.
Hatzimouratidis K. A review of the use of tadalafil in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia in men with and without erectile dysfunction. Therapeutic Advances in Urology. 2014;6(4):135-147. doi:10.1177/1756287214531639.

Safety and effectiveness of tadalafil in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension: Japanese post-marketing surveillance data. Hiroyoshi Yamazaki, Noriko Kobayashi, Masanori Taketsuna, Koyuki Tajima & Masahiro Murakami.

Lee JW, et al. Serum High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein Levels and Response to 5 mg Tadalafil Once Daily in Patients With Erectile Dysfunction and Diabetes. Korean J Urol. 2013 Dec;54(12):858-64.

Kukreja RC. Sildenafil and cardioprotection. Curr Pharm Des. 2013;19(39):6842-7.

Aversa A, et al. Tadalafil improves lean mass and endothelial function in nonobese men with mild ED/LUTS: in vivo and in vitro characterization. Endocrine. 2017 Jun;56(3):639-648.

Aversa, A., Fittipaldi, S., Bimonte, V.M. et al. Tadalafil modulates aromatase activity and androgen receptor expression in a human osteoblastic cell in vitro model. J Endocrinol Invest. (2016) 39: 199. 0344-1.

Effectiveness of tadalafil 5 mg once daily in the treatment of men with lower urinary tract symptoms suggestive to benign prostatic hyperplasia with or without erectile dysfunction: results from naturalistic observational TadaLutsEd study. Bechara A, Casabe A, Rodriguez Baigorri G, Cobreros C.J. Sex Med. 2014 Feb; 11(2):498-505. Epub 2013.

Jacqueline K. Limberg, Katherine R. Malterer, J. Mikhail Kellawan, William G. Schrage, Brad W. Wilkins, Wayne T. Nicholson, John H. Eisenach, Michael J. Joyner, Timothy B. Curry. Phosphodiesterase-5 inhibition preserves exercise onset vasodilator kinetics when NOS activity is reduced. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2017 Oct 5:jap.00483.2017.
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Yep. I’m still wondering long term effects of the pill. With Viagra they dosed at 25mg which is a regular dosage.

I saw that article. The one or two times I’ve taken viagra I had a whopper headache. Cialis, no such troubles.

As with all good things, only time will tell the long term. I think we can only go off the info we have on hand to make informed decisions.
So I have been taking cialis during my cycle. Does this mean with my heightens cholesterol it probably didn’t build plaque in my arteries because of the cialis?
You know me, I’m not gonna speak in definite terms without the proof. But it certainly sounds like it would have helped prevent it.
That’s good news. You have so much good information. I like how you cite your resources.

I got the BO157 and TB 500 yesterday. I injected both near my elbow for me and my wife’s heel. Already this morning we both wake up with no pain. I know it takes a lot longer for healing but I am guessing it reduced the inflammation already hence providing comfort.
You can inject anywhere. It’s not site specific. Inject subq wherever is comfy.

Most likely the inflammation reduction! Glad it’s helping!
In the article from greenfield he said that also. But he also said the BP157 can be injected near the site. Or anywhere. I figured why not put it close to home lol. We are gonna run them both the whole six weeks to maximize the healing no matter how good we feel

Effects of Cialis​

The effects of Cialis (positive effects) are very straightforward and primarily surround ED treatment. ED can be caused by the lack of blood flow into the penis, which Cialis can remedy. However, ED can also be caused by a low libido, which is more commonly due to improper hormone levels in the body, most commonly low testosterone. If a hormone problem exists yet blood flow is fine, Cialis will not remedy the ED issue nor will any PED5 medication. However, while it will remedy a blood flow issue, there are many men who need both issues addressed, blood flow and hormone.

The effects of Cialis have also been used to treat high blood pressure in some cases as the medication will lower blood pressure; in fact, in 2009 Cialis was approved for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension. In 2011 it was then approved for the treatment of BPH as it was shown to reduce pressure around the prostate and urinary tract.

Side Effects of Cialis​

There are side effects of Cialis, possible side effects, but they are not guaranteed and normally dependent on genetics and dosing if too much is taken. Like all PED5 inhibitors vision impairment is the most worrisome possible side effect of Cialis; however, Tadalafil has the lowest rate of incident amo ng PED5’s. Other possible yet infrequent side effects of Cialis may include:
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Headache
  • Flushness
  • Sore Muscles
  • Lower Back Pain
The above side effects of Cialis should last no more than a few hours if they occur and are due to the drugs ability to widen blood vessels. If such effects occur most men will find a lower dose fixes the problem. However, in some cases they may need to seek out alternate PED5’s for their ED or BPH needs.

Important Note: Cialis should not be taken with nitrates due to its ability to lower blood pressure. Nitrates should not be taken for at least 48 hours before Cialis use with most nitrate users needing to avoid this and all PED5’s.

Cialis Administration​

Cialis is available in numerous dosing strengths but in all strengths is a pill taken orally. It is a mustard colored pill with a large ‘C’ and the milligram strength imprinted on one side of the pill. Original Cialis is found in 5mg, 10mg and 20mg strengths. Daily Cialis is found in 2.5 and 5mg strengths.

If taking Daily Cialis (2.5-5mg) it should be taken once per day. This is sufficient to treat many cases of BPH and more often than not ED. However, the lower dose despite daily use may not be enough for some ED conditions. If standard Cialis is taken it can be taken at any time of the day. The medication will begin to work in as little as 30 minutes for some but take a little longer for others.

Important Note: When prescribed for arterial hypertension 2.5mg per day is the normal dose, but it is often sold under the brand name Adcirca for this purpose although the brand name Cialis will accomplish the same.

Effects of TB-500​

In the world of performance enhancement, TB-500 is not meant to be used to bulk, cut, lose fat or increase strength. This is a peptide hormone that is designed to promote healing, specifically the healing of wounded or injured areas of the body. TB-500 can be used to treat muscle tears or strain, tendon inflammation and even skin injuries. This peptide will not cause instant healing of an injured area. If a muscle is torn it is torn, but use of TB-500 will in many cases speed up the healing process. For nagging injuries, those that don’t keep the individual out of the gym but slow his progress, it may provide the edge he needs to continue his training without it being diminished.

The effects of TB-500 have also been linked to hair growth, specifically the reversal of hair loss caused by male-pattern baldness. However, how significant this effect is and how much truth it holds scientifically is still highly questionable as no official data exist. The only data on hair growth is anecdotal.

Side Effects of TB-500​

The side effects of TB-500 are lacking in official capacity as the peptide has been primarily used in horses since the early 1980’s with almost no human data available. As with any injectable medication, especially peptides, the most common side effect will be skin irritation at the injected site. However, this does appear to be less common with TB-500 as compared to other injectable peptides in terms of anecdotal reports by users. Headaches and other ill-like symptoms also appear to be very rare.

TB-500 Administration​

TB-500 comes in freeze-dried (lyophilized) form and must be reconstituted with bacteriostatic water for administration. The most common dosing range in human use is 2.0 to 2.5mg of TB-500 two times per week for approximately 4-6 weeks. Once the 4-6 weeks of use is complete, once the injured area has improved, some users will reduce to one to two injections per month for injury prevention. Many users report greater muscle flexibility when using TB-500, thereby reducing further injury potential.

Higher doses of TB-500, those beyond 2.0-2.5mg twice per week, there is no data available to support how much stronger such dosing plans will be. There is very little data to support the lower doses beyond anecdotal but even less when it comes to higher doses. As healing and injury prevention is the primary point of use and the 2.0-2.5mg plans seem to carry a high rate of success, this does tend to lend to higher doses being unnecessary.