Clomid on cycle (TRT)?

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Hey guys, might be a dumb question but…

I’m 40 years old. I am prescribed Testosterone Cyp 200mg a week. I break this up into two injections .5ml twice a week. Its TRT. I have been on this dose for 2 years.

So, my wife comes to me last month and we discussed having another child. I already have two that were conceived prior to TRT. I knew that I was probably infertile. I went to a urologist who advised me to stop the Testosterone asap and prescribed Clomid 50mg a day. This was with the notion that once my wife was pregnant in maybe 3 or 4 months, I would resume TRT. I did a semen analysis and I am producing zero sperm so I am infertile.

Well, I was told by another doctor that I could just reduce my testosterone and continue with the Clomid. The Clomid would still work even with exogenous Testosterone. So I kept taking testosterone as normal and Clomid. On Clomid, I didn’t feel as if my testicles were increasing in size. I didn’t feel like it was working. I did more research and most people are saying that ANY amount of exogenous Test will cause Clomid not to work. They say that the pituitary not only sense Estrogen that the Clomid is blocking receptors for, but also senses exogenous Testosterone.

On July 2, I stopped testosterone cyp and the clomid. Today marks 13 days since Test Cyp. The half life is 8 days so that would put me around 25% of the testosterone still circulating. I am still having morning erections and I’m still strong. I’m assuming that the residual Test is still having an effect.

My question is, does anyone know if Clomid still turns on LH and FSH in the presence of exogenous testosterone? I am getting labs on Monday (7/19) which will be 17 days since my last injection. I am sure my testosterone will be low and then I will start taking Clomid again. I am just wondering if Clomid actually worked while I was taking Testosterone and the morning erections and lack of low T symptoms are a result of Clomid actually working to turn on my natural production again.

Long winded I know, but I was just wondering if anyone had any experience with this?
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Well damn let me just say welcome back brother its been awhile I wanted to say that before I read I will look into your question now lol
Im not a doctor but hcg or hmg is what you need tell him that you did research online and ask him about these compounds plus clomiphene you should be able to start producing it will take time though no reason to stop testosterone during the first step hcg or hmg.

If that doesn’t work then yes clomiphene nolvadex and hcg or hmg. You will stop testosterone for this step.
Hmg is crazy expensive so I reccomend and hope that hcg works.
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It has been a while Bigmurph, surprised you remember me! ha. I was one of the iron junkie victims from back in the day. I still cringe even thinking of that guy.

The doc actually did prescribe HCG but my insurance wouldn’t cover it and it was really expensive. I will probably be HCG next week and running clomid as well.
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Insurance can be aggravating sometimes. There’s no rhyme or reason to why they cover some stuff and not others.
Hcg and clomid have long been
Used for fertility also proviron I believe
Yea, I see hcg less than what i can purchase it for through the pharmacy. I have a prescription but again, its around 400 US dollars for 10000 iu. Thats outrageous.

I’m just amazed that I am still without any low T side effects 14 days after my last 100mg test C injection. I’ve been on 200mg a week for two years. I’m still having morning erections. I’ve lost a ton of water weight too, I would assume from my Estrogen being fairly low.

On a side note, my new insurance denied my testosterone coverage after the previous insurance paid for it for 2 years. They are saying my original test scores weren’t low enough. So, im giving it a few more days and getting bloodwork. My test should be rock bottom by then. Then starting the clomid back for fertility.

The insurance not covering my testosterone isn’t that big of a deal. It’s 22 dollars a month through goodrx vs 10 a month with insurance. 12 dollars isn’t going to break me haha.
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My bad brother didn’t mean to flag your post moving to fast I need to slow down lol

That’s a crazy amount of money for a product that isn’t even close to that cost smh
Yep, sure is. I saw that my post was flagged and was wondering what I did ha.

On a side note, had blood work yesterday. My Hemocrit was 46% which is great for me. My estridiol was 16. I have no idea about my testosterone yet, it hasnt come in. I would assume it to be very low with my e2 being as low as it is. I’m currently 18 days out since my last Test Cyp shot of 100mg. It should be all but gone from my system. I just started clomid again after my blood test.

On a side note, once I go back on TRT, I am looking at running my first compound. I want to introduce something common such as Deca but I’m worried about Deca Dick. What would be a good stand alone to run with 200mg of Testosterone weekly? I’m almost 41, 5’11 185 lbs. Thanks!
Are you doing a PCT while waiting to get back on TRT? Just clomid probably won’t jumpstart your junk if you were on TRT for awhile. For your second question, most people are fine with Deca as long as your test is higher. 2 to 1. I can run my deca closer to my test with no issues but that’s a good point to start
Yea, I’m coming off TRT to try to be fertile again. My wife and I want a third child. Semen analysis showed zero sperm. I’ve been on 200mg of test a week for two years.

One doc prescribed HCG but it was so expensive and the insurance wouldnt cover it. A Urologist prescribed 3 months of Clomid at 50 mg a day. I’m hoping it work because being without ANY testosterone is killing me. I had bloods done yesterday, still waiting on my test results.
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