Current Protocol of Nutritional Supplements

Hi @JB_rD81 I feel like we need some weekend smoked meat,something,if you have the time with your new cushy job you got…
It’s been too damn cold the last few weekends. We got 14” of snow last weekend, the weekend before was snow and below zero, this weekend supposed to be in the teens. I need to have someone make a blanket for my smoker like how they insulate valves on outdoor steam lines.
Ok gotcha,we got 6 in outta that last storm lake are all frozen,seen a few lakes/coves with dudes ice fishing, we’ve had a lot of 5-15 degree nights,two lakes I ice fish have around 4 in little bit more and my auger will be waking people up at 6 am in no time…woooooooo!!!
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