SB Labs

Cycle question for the vets in here

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Well-known member
So I been thinking about running a cycle of dbol npp eq with test what would you recommend change or is that ok and what test would you run and doseage the dbol is injectable so don’t know if have same half life etc. or frequency of pinning what if anything would you recommend or change and I’m not fan of deca just throwing that out there
D bol to jump start yes and thats what honestly wanted to know if npp and eq be ok together or would you change to different compound Have no experience with the two compounds
I dont have much experience with EQ tried once,I like npp, I feel npp n EQ might work against each other, but the npp n dbol should give you a quick jump on things. I’m sure other will chime in and better clarify things. As for the dbol to run it, I guess you could start lower then a normal 50mg dose cause I believe more is available thru inject them oral for your body to use but that’s up in the air

Since starting my diet and eating cleaner which is consistent of 5 meals weight plus a gallon or better of water a day


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You’ve got a great frame bro, you’re well on your way! I personally would drop the EQ, your gonna put your size on with dbol and Npp! Dbol/Npp/test was a go to cycle for years and is one of my favorites! I would do
50mg dbol 1hr preworkout and do 500mg test, and 300 Npp, I like daily injects or MWF, either way will work. I’m assuming you have an A.I. and caber/prami on hand as well as a pct planned?
@Truegrit30655 first off, great progress very exciting seeing the change. Secondly, before we dive in when was your last blood donation from the pictures i see some slight polycythemia vera. No need to worry just a sign of a needed blood donation.

Now for the exciting part, the protocol. For mass depending on experience here is a more moderate approach.

12 week long bulk
Sustanon- 1cc EOD
Test E- 1cc EOD
NPP- 1cc EOD
Dbol- injection like mentioned. If it’s suspended in grape/cotton seed oil you can get away with 50-100mg daily. If not you will need to pin part in the AM and PM.
Arimidex- .5mg 2x weekly non shot days

This cycle will use your test as a major foundation while NPP builds and dbol is your 4 week kick start. I only use EQ with insulin thats a different topic but the above will do well with proper nutrition.

As always best and great family here with all great answers.
Thanks for advice I’m actually going to give blood tomorrow and I have my appointment Thursday to check my levels before I start my next cycle and gonna go head and get my pct as well before I start been a journey for sure came along way since my skinny 165lbs days haha
@Truegrit30655 I can attest to this cycle. I am currently 3 weeks in and have not put on tons of weight, but have added about 2 pounds, and I am very low carb, so muscle addition is difficult, but I know added weight is not water. Also I am getting new veins popping up in shoulders and biceps, so that’s growth right there.

I am using oral dbol though and have added clen and Winnie to keep whatever water comes in out.
Also using 2.5 iu am lunch 5 days a week of hgh.

I have before shots and am ready in 13 more weeks to share the Afters.
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