Hej, I haven’t ran it so this comment is from research and not experience, since I am also interested in running it, I would recommend an 8 week cycle, simply speaking as to why,
-Since its methylated, its liver toxic, so daily doses theoretically shouldn’t go over 50mg. Its wise to use a liver detox supplement to combat this. Do not use another C17-alpha alkylated steroid(other orals). Cycles can range from 4-12 weeks. Beginners to gear or dbol should start with shorter cycles, as more is not always better. Many use it as kickstarter (for advanced users/long cycles, usually only for the first 4 weeks) or a preworkout drug, though I havent found much research or validity as to why, other than a higher pump value. Usually individuals state it’s too difficult for them to keep elevated levels.
-It’s half life is 3-6 hours. So you should divide your daily dose to keep blood levels elevated.
Example: every 4 hours, take a fraction of the pill/'s throughout the day, to equal your daily dose of 30mg.
- I’ve read about increasing and then lowering weekly doses to effectively build up to max potential. So an example would be an 8 week cycle,
week 1 would be a daily dose of 20mg, week 2 - 30mg, week 3 -40mg , week 4-50 mg, week 5 -50mg, week 6-40, week 7-30, week 8-20. The theory of this is to not shock the body, nor get use to high doses. It will also help the body adapt to pct/recover better.
- Its androgenic effects are moderate to low, but of course this is based upon the person. I would have an anti-estrogen on hand in case of gyno, etc. Of course blood work should always be ran when on a cycle.
Finastride (propecia) can also be used to combat DHT (hairloss) conversion. I also recommend having cabergoline on hand to lower prolactin levels (sexual disfunction)
Get blood drawn, if estrogen, dht or prolactin levels are too high, use the right drug to reverse this. You never want to eliminate this hormone levels, just reduce them.
- Also of note, research has shown a correlation with anti estrogens, such as tamoxifen, and lowered igf-1 levels. Another reason to get regular bloodwork. If you need to take high or frequent does of an anti-estrogens, either stop the P.E.D. or supplement with igf-1 mid cycle.
- Personally, I wouldn’t recommend a TRT dose, as Dbol does counter natural test levels. So a trt dose would be lowered. I would increase test levels for a better synergy.
This again is from my research on the subject and not personal experience. Goodluck