Deca or NPP? Which is a better option?

I’ve had great success with,
600 primo 100 every day Sunday off
500 test split over the week
300 NPP 1003x per week
300 mast p 100 3x per week
50 mg proviron dailey split 25/25
Zero sides
5-6 210 @5%
No wonder your front squat is so high you have so little in movement of lift hahah. Maybe one day I’ll run primo.
Love primobolan. For me nothing is better. No sides ever. As long as it’s real
I’ll never hit 5 on FS. Too old now. Can still back squat it though
Just got to it back sqUat again but wi th shoulder being shit I’m going to focus on squat hope to be at 600 on back by around April maybe 650 by end of next no injuries
Had shoulder surgery last December, I k ow the feeling. 600 was my best ever in Comp at 181 lb
585 was best i did I was 260 never could squat well think I did too wide of stance narrows it up recently and it’s exploding had a 400 clean and now that I do I’m getting up to around 700 ankle is finally doing great for sqUats so hope this explosion continues
Wow 400lb clean! You got me brother. 315 is tops with 275 snatch
I think snatch I got 250 but that was extra lift in high school my form was horrible as well it was literally 400 up to chest from starting position. My catch was never good
Wait till your my age. I can pull anything to my chest just can’t get under anymore. 47 y/o joints lol
Keep hustling. No easy day. Be consistent and listen to your body.