Deca or NPP? Which is a better option?

I ran NPP 350 per week test E 700 per week with proviron hcg hgh and Anastrozole

I gained 14 pounds of muscle in 8 weeks. I felt great the whole time. Mentally and physically. Love NPP

Kept the gains

I ran Tren and test p after that and hated it. Good results but felt like shit so I squashed it at 4 weeks.
How is your gains now sir? Have you not started another run? @Rusty

P.s. this app is starting to piss me off I hit the reply too and it posts as a regular reply
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My foot is still numb but my back pain is gone. My elbow is about 75 % and now my friggin shoulder blade keeps needing to get adjusted. It’s painful. I haven’t worked out much in about a month Just here and there cause I am plagued with injuries. I started my cycle about a week ago hoping the compounds would heal me up faster. I am actually feeling pretty good this morning and am going to the gym to see what I can handle. Thinking I am gonna stay away from big weights to start and go hypertrophy. I weigh the same so I assume there has been a little fat gain and muscle loss as my past gains were fairly new.
Right on brother I started Monday @Rusty Been doing 25 split on the d ball but think I’m going to try what @John said about using it strictly for pre-workout and just pop 50.
I have gained 15 lb since September 20th . Just slowly getting into a rhythm
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See that bullshit…just used the reply to…web version… And now your little profile bubble is on my comment I’m deleting this fucking app…
Im have to say a mixture . Ive only been on a week. These are stress free life gains…haha… I am going to have to go with more muscle as I can see vascularity popping through @Rusty

( See this bullshit now I had to tag you because the reply too isn’t working for the web either)
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You gained 15 pounds of lean mass since September 20 th. That’s crazy gains. Is there some muscle memory going on there or what bro?
Definitely muscle memory.💪… And im just waiting for these e esters to kick in brother…will probably raise the bar week 3…
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