December 18th installment of diets and training

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Staff member
Good fuckin morning all.Woke up on some on one side of the bed, not sure if its the right or wrong side yet.Did tire flipping outside the gym this am,pretty sure im the only one who uses it.Breakfast was 5 HB eggs no yolk,5 turkey sausages,1 cinnamon raisin,coffe,water.Lunch will be leftovers,chic,basmati and a salad.Dinner will be whatever my daughter wants probably Sicilian style pizza.Today i am grateful for time i get to spend with my daughter.Hope everyone has a smooth and productive day.
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4 days that’s all I have till extended break. Left over steak for breakfast tried to sleep as late as possible to be rested for 12. Of course coming off weekend it was fine waking early and tossing and turning for hours
Breakfast was 6 scrambled eggs, 4 pieces of toast buttered, half pund of bacon, and 2 bowls of grits sprinkled with sugar, and 24 oz of coffee. Snack was pint of chocolate milk, banana, and bowl of pineapples. Lunch was Mt Dew, chicken tortellini alfredo, and garlic bread. P3, Dew, and peanut butter cookies for second snack. Not sure about training. Currently getting ready to head to New York for the power outages.
So far today… you’ve eaten my expenditure through Wednesday into Thursday. Haha
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