SB Labs

December 6th edition of diets and bodybuilding

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Staff member
Military Vet
Good fucking morning all.Breakfast was a small dose of psycilobin,5 egg omlets,4 turkey sausage,banana,water.No work today,fuck the gym to.Not sure about or dinner.Im mentally exhausted the last week,been drinking to much,eating garbage,Marine guy i knew offed himself,another victim of the lingering effects of Iraq,its sickening.
I am always grateful for my daughter,besides my name,shes all i got that’s worthwhile in this world.
Hope everyone has a smooth and productive day.
Ive said this before,but i know 2x the amount of guys who killed themselves then guys that died in Iraq.
The battle isn’t just on the land it last forever in one’s mind. Both me and my girl have suicidal tendencies. I told her the reason nothing ever killed us was we were supossed to find each other. So now we wonder do we cancel each other out and it’s now possible for us to die. Todays meals s chicken rice left over fajitas as work from audit they had and in doing dead’s and back tonight. I’m thankful for not shitting my pants that last fart it wa close
John said:
Breakfast was a small dose of psycilobin
Hi John
Let me know if the micro dosing works for you if you don’t mind. If read a lot of stuff on it but never talked to anyone who’s tried it.

Trained shoulders today. Breakfast was a bagel and egg whites. Protein shake and a banana. Yogurt and almonds. Leftover chicken and pita for lunch.
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