Delt PIP and fever after first injection


Active member
Hi everyone,

Sorry for asking another stupid question, but please bear with me.

I recently (24 hours ago) pinned Test E for the first time. I decided to go for my delt using a 18g to draw, 25g 1" to inject. I did also warm the oil and the syringe prior. I also did use an alcohol wipe to clean the vial and my delt.

The injection itself was extremely slow, but painless. I forgot to aspirate, but I doubt I hit a vein as there’s been no bruising.

About 6 hours after the injection, I began to get soreness and eventually “crippling pain”, as in, it was very difficult to even move my left delt. I figured I should just tough it out, maybe use ibuprofen, and keep the area warm as the test might’ve crashed or virgin muscle.

However, about 24 hours after now, I’m feeling a bit unwell. I took my temperature and it reads at 99.5 F, with my “normal” being in the 98 Fs. The area is still sore and “hard” too, but not reddish or inflamed.

Any guesses what this could be? I was thinking the unwell feeling could be entirely unrelated, but it seems to coincidental.

On another note, any advice for virgin muscle pinning? I know people say to tough it out, but I literally could not lift my shoulder up. I’m worried pinning again in a few days will make my workout shit.

Thanks in advance!
Bigbool88 said:
However, about 24 hours after now, I’m feeling a bit unwell. I took my temperature and it reads at 99.5 F, with my “normal” being in the 98 Fs. The area is still sore and “hard” too, but not reddish or inflamed.
This sounds like test flu you inject something foreign into your body so your white blood cells attrack it and cause a small temp because of this process. It might also be the reason for pip in virgin muscle but no proof behind that one.
Test flu. And a virgin muscle.
Could also be the Ester of Enanthate.
I get PIP from Enanthate and not CYP.
Just one of those things.
And I have a ton of Test E laying around. I just know when I use it I’m gonna be a little sore for three days.
Did you pin in the right spot should be here, see pic. I don’t know about the fever. Draw a line around the area that’s hard and see if it grows. And check to see if it is warmer then a different spot on your skin. Best way to see if there is a temperature difference is with you lips or someone else’s lips. Lips are the most sensitive to temperature. If it grows and is warm keep a close eye on it to make sure you don’t get an abscess. Look it up

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Pretty sure I injected within that spot. The thought of getting an abscess or infection from my very first injection is depressing ☹️ so hopefully that’s not the case
Test flu it will subside and shots will get better if they do not reach out even on trt if I get some of that fire good good and hit a big dose I can get it my gear bro got it a while back competing he did jump a sponsor on this sites sust I was on him to use too 😁 he was like damn ain’t get that in a while
My first delt injects fucking killed and I left I do tren base it still hurts for a good bit like today I’ll be doing some shrek juice and I’m sure it’s going to be great haha
Right I remember using test e my first cycle thought it was virgin muscle but 2 yrs later I just got some test e from para and the pip is real. Not too crazy just for a day or so .It’s definitely the test e going to have to switch back to test c and throw this e out don’t think I’ll be able to stand it for 16weeks at 4xweek pinning haha sucks but you learn what’s for you an what’s not !
My first cycle I ran test e and got bad PIP on almost every injection throughout the entire cycle. I just pinned test cyp for the first time on Monday and had absolutely no PIP. If it continues I would give test cyp a try
I’ve only used e and no issues but the blend I have coming up is cyp so it will be hard to tell how I react cause blend but I think I’ll be fine
What’s the test per ML level? First pin of test, could be the flu, needle wiggle (not being steady) or improper insertion. Aspirations is not ever really done. And any nurse/doc you talk to rarely if ever aspirate. Test flu should be gone in 24-36 hours. PIP May take 3-5 days.
Did you allow the alcohol to dry throughly? Did you clean both the bottle and the injection site?
Don’t worry. First time popping the pinning cherry seems like everything goes sideways. My first pin cuz I wanted to see it was done properly was a quad. That hurt for 5 days. 😉