DHB=worst PIP I’ve ever felt

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Pinnacle training and nutrition/MOD
Staff member
Should have listened to @Bigmurph on this one, he warned me. Tried DHB for the first time and holy shit was that a mistake. Did 1/2 CC ED X4 days. Both Lats swelled from the injection and were super painful and stiff for a week. Anyone have a similar experience?
Damn brother. DHB is on deck for my next run so I can’t speak to the pip. Maybe cut it with some USP MCT oil?
I have used dhb Ed for over a month along with ment and had no PIP… I can’t really speak to it truly being dhb, but I did feel great on both, and no pip or problems at site.

Maybe yours may be stronger than mine. I think mine is 100 mg/ml.
Mine is 100 also. Not sure why but god damn
Some people’s bodies are different. I can take stuff my bro’s say gives pip and vice versa luck of the draw the older a get the less inclined I am too try it
It could very well be the DHB brotha, it can also be the carrier oil man, some people’s bodies just can’t take certain oils, Miglyol being notorious for it. See if you can pick up some USP grade carrier oil and dilute the DHB a tad, should help tremendously. I was doing 1/2ml of DHB and 1/2ml of Tren A ED and really noticed barely any pip. Just a thought.
Hell fire man just put three cc in the barrel and fire that shot right in your ass cheek I bet you will be a raging monster for a week
It’s in MCT oil which I don’t have a problem with. What would you recommend
Get some more MCT oil and dilute it. I believe that’s what his solution was. Let us know how it works for you brotha.
Haha I got some prop one time that had a bit bull showing it’s teeth and slobbering one time shit would cripple your ass two shots and I gave it away
Is there a promo code to use for discount I don’t see anywhere to put notes
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