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SB Labs

Dirtnasty this was ment to be pharmaqo cycle

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Also I feel like I can’t push hard from lack of sleep and I think I have a hemmy I’m my ass. The t3 May have made me shit too often
That hem sounds fucked up. A guy I know squatted a little over 600 lbs at 180 lbs and his intestines came out. Pretty rough.
Going light with higher reps on leg press don’t want to press the issue. I think all my boofinh and now shitting constantly from t3 is catching up to me hahaha
I’m going to throw some
Ointment on it it’s not that bad only day to. I’ve had worse also I don’t have insurance from job yet
Going to try incline db today also weighed in at 259.8 today. I think the 12 hours of sleep really helped shed those pounds. Or I’m just dehydrated either way feel good and ready to get this lift in
Oh I’m cutting weight hahaha. 250 is the goal was 276 when started cut
Plan is to be 280 at end of deca cycle maybe more see where the body takes me as long as I don’t see the mid section getting to big I’ll
The weight pile on
Feels so good to get som pushing in. Think 75 is as high as I’m going for sets of 15 today
Felt good to get more blood in the chest. I will say this is last time I cut during the holidays
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