Discolor under my toe nail freaking me out

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I have a spot under both my big toes that appeared 2 weeks ago. I have made a doctors app to get it checked out Monday.

I’m doing 2 IU of HGH a day. I have no history of cancer in my family but this toe thing is freaking me out. Could be because I was on the net at 3 AM just looking at the worst possible outcomes.

I’m also darker so I read it common among darker skin.

Anyone have any knowledge on this?
That’s happened to me before when I bought new steel toe work boots. They were a little too lose and my big toe kept hitting the steel on the inside of the boot. Did you get new boots or shoes lately or are your shoes loose?
I never noticed pain but my hunting boots are a little tight. And I do have drunk nights so might be, but it’s only for n both my big toe nails.

I’m getting it checked either way and wouldn’t hurt to get more bloods
I literally have those nicks all over my fingers. Doesn’t hurt to vget checked but I wouldn’t worry
Looks like something was dropped on the toe. I dropped weights once on my index finger and a blood spot developed under the nail, hurt like a bitch constantly throbbing. I went to an urgent care and they heated up a needle or paper lip, stuck it on the nail and made a little hole that drained the blood.
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I don’t feel anything in joints to be honest. Well my metal ankle
Actually feels stiffer maybe the extra lube is rusting it out
Hahah that’s crazy bro, I had surgery on my shoulder from rugby years ago.I feel the hgh is helping it out

I think imma do a cycle before summer. I’m 4 and half months off so far.

Just HGH rn
What’s up John, thanks bud. Hope y’all are having a good holidays.

I’m on a mission to get me a Buck rn 🦌
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