Do you guys have crazy thoughts about girlfriend/wife while on cycle?

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As in like their cheating on you doing things on purpose to piss you off and paranoid jealousy etc.

Before cycle I didn’t have any of these thoughts now it’s just I get real angry thinking about stuff that my girl would never do. To the point where I drive by her house and she’s home everytime studying for for her online course and we even work together so idk where these thoughts are coming from. Is the substances I’m taking?

Sustanon, NPP, and proviron

Or is it just me
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When i first did s23 its a sarm it gave me every side effect of jealously, anger. Felt like what people say about tren.

Tren hasnt bothered me much in terms of jealosy but i have never went higher than 350mg

Testosterone is high doses makes my estrogen higher making me feel really emotional in a good way around my girlfriend.
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Yeah I been keeping my estrogen down and it’s more me getting mad or jealous over dumb things which is not me normally
I will be completely honest with you I believe know that I have mental health issues right and what your describing sounds like slight psychosis and it could just be there but doesn’t effect you and possibly the compounds are bringing it to the surface.

No other medications anything that could cause an interaction between compounds?

Even dietary supplements are you taking any stimulantants? They have actually been proven to cause or trigger psychosis.

I don’t believe that you’re crazy or are psychotic I believe that something you are taking is definitely causing this issues because its never happened before? Im really curious as to why this is happening to you
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I was going to ask if your using tren hahah. I think I assumed j my t ex ex would shit on purpose to pies me off. Hell I got a text one morning from number I didn’t have saved saying hey sexxxy which I’m sure is as her seeing if would respond in cheating manner she won’t admit to it though either that or another chcik whose number I deleted when I got in relationship. But yeah I just thought she was always trying to set me up so she could prove her thought s that I was goi g to cheat were right
I tested them it’s from a legit source. I was taking masteron too bu I stopped that it made things even worse. Maybe I’m crashing my estrogen or something
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That’s a definite possibility also your estrogen could be crashed or high. When we mess with our hormones crazy shit happens are any of the compounds that you’re using new for you meaning this is the first cycle you have used them?
Any dietary supplements that could have made this happen?
Sleep is good, I have to take melatonin sometimes to get to sleep and I’m taking P5P for progesterone from NPP

NPP is new but my first cycle I felt really calm because I didn’t use much AI and this one I’m using more for some reason so I’m lay back on that
Blood work brother you can go cheap just run e2 and p2 its around 70 I believe you can get the hame test for just over 100 it would solve the guessing quickly.

It might even show that possibly the npp is trenbolone I don’t want to even think that but shit happens I have issues and npp doesn’t do anything negative to me but everyone is different.

Im really curious about this because something isn’t right you shouldn’t be experiencing what you describe
I think it’s me crashing my estrogen I been taking aromasin and only been on 400 mg of test a week

Last summer I didn’t take any aromasin and I felt normal and carefree like I usually am
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