Do you have fears or does it only apply to the female team?

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Gym workouts are always more fun and faster when I work out with a friend. To be honest, I have moved from Ukraine now and live in a country in which I don’t know the language at all and the first trips to the gym were difficult for me, because I can’t talk to anyone, and suddenly they ask me something and I won’t be able to answer, because not many people know English or the language I speak. In fact, these are all such trifles in my head, from self-doubt, I try to overcome this step of uncertainty and move towards the goal despite my fears in my head, because the fears in my head, whatever they may be, they still stop you … How Do you struggle with it and do you have any fears at all? Since I am new to this business, maybe I have such fears because of this, maybe you also had something like that at first, but did you just deal with it? Sometimes I even think, all of a sudden I’m doing something wrong and someone is laughing at me … Maybe even you will laugh and consider me strange?

I am ruled by illogical fears. They cripple me. Most stem from betrayal by people in my life. I only leave home to get groceries and to take my mom to dialysis. My only friends are online friends. I’ve always been ultra sensitive. My kindness has been a major contributing factor to people taking advantage of me. Kindness is mistaken for weakness. My paranoia makes me unsafe. The PTSD I have from my past, causes me to hide away. It’s a miracle I survived the people of my past. I am grateful for this but it holds me back from living and loving which I still have dreams of. I was happiest in my life when living with girlfriends, but fear won’t allow to meet new people or attempt to date anyone. I do dream of finding a kind hearted woman and falling in love though.

What country are you now living in?
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I don’t really have many fears. I don’t care what others think about me honestly. In the gym I know what I’m doing and I’ve proven that.

Language barriers always suck. I’ve lived in a few countries not knowing anyone or speaking the language. I get by tho.

My gym now is in same building as university housing for foreign students. So nearly everyone speaks English or is a foreigner going to school here I’ve noticed.
My biggest fear is always injury. I try to minimize it by finding alternate exercises to work muscles that get injured on for example bench, squats, and deadlifts. I hate injuries because of the setbacks. I try to push things to hard sometimes but am learning not too. I also have learned to warm up with bands for twenty minutes to help avoid injury.
The unknown…. My fear is the unknown… my past mistakes take a heavy toll on me too, a lot of chatter in my head about the mistakes I’ve made and the prices others have paid… and what price I pay when I finally come to be judged upon the gates and gallows
That is some heavy stuff man. The pain I have caused others because of my selfishness has a massive impact on my relationships with the ones I love the most. When will I ever learn. I see plenty of fellas that have figured it out. But I seem to keep fucking up.
Probably a little more than healthy load of stress keeps my head clear of all the feeling overly aware of such minor details in existence but thats just me.
What i would do is load up my mind with goals and be actively working towards them so that there’s not as much free thought space for anything else.
Just dont over do it
My 2c
Women definitely have a lot of different shit to be concerned about. My previous GFs often complained about the male gaze at the gym. Some dudes just can’t control themselves and it’s gross. I’m also very sure at some point you’ve dealt with random mansplaining, people following you, shit like that.

Personally, i feel like focusing on something else is your best bet. I like to put my headphones in and focus on what I have to do. Every day I have my spreadsheet with the latest set, weight and intensity numbers to try this session. Some days, I’ll listen to audiobooks or podcasts, other days just hype music, other days I might put on some hard orchestra.

As far as doing the wrong thing, don’t worry about it! There are plenty of resources on the internet to help you figure out what exercises to do and how to do them. As long as you are always working on your technique then you are fine — your skill will naturally improve over time as you learn your body.

I guess the point is to enjoy yourself and you won’t have as much to fear. Once your routine becomes more normal and automatic then it’ll be easier for you to slip into flow state. Then the only thing you have to worry about is the weight on the bar, just like the Lord intended.
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