Dream cycle if money was no object

Don’t have a ton of experience yet in AAS. But I would say if I can take something year round and health doesn’t get into the picture I would take
NPP 75 ed
Test C or E 200 eod
Proviron 50 ed
Cialis Ed
Hcg 500 iu eod
Dbol 50 mg ed
Godzilla piss pwo
And if I am gonna follow @John lead I will add all the sushi I can eat and cheesecake eod and pierogi ED.
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I have used it twice for short periods of time. I love the extra strength and the extra big pumps that seem to last forever. Shirts fit tighter and just makes me feel like Zeus.
I have a fantasy of running away from all my responsibilities and moving to somewhere where they sell gear in pharmacies and whores are cheap. So my dream cycle is a lifelong gear and whore bender in Columbia
I used 100 a day and didn’t get to puffy at one point I started leaning out but that was also maybe not dbol haha
So just going on what I’ve used and lets say 20 week cycle. 1g test 1200 eq 4 weeks 2mg mtren then start to pulse Abomb’s then last 2 weeks we push the limits with halo be strong and lean as fuck with some nice vascularity maybe do 6 ius hgh don’t want to be to high but would like to try higher than four. Xtane as needed and cialis along with valtrex for dick game. Maybe try ghb for gym purposes and not why I used before
That’s a great answer I believe I would enjoy that very much I would choose a different country but its the same dream
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Dirtnasty said:
Maybe try ghb for gym purposes and not why I used before
Don’t trust anyone saying that they have GHB its going to be GBL and its not the same or worth using brother. Trust me I wouldn’t steer you wrong

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