EQ/test Dosing Question

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Greetings brothers, I’m planning on doing an EQ/test cycle. It’s my first cycle with anything other than just test. 20 weeks on test and 16 on EQ. I was planning on running the EQ at 600 (2x300mg injections E3.5D). I’ve read that you should run EQ at a 2:3 ratio with test, so does that mean test should be 900 if I’m running at 600 EQ? Or is the ratio the other way round? Any help/recommendations are welcome. Thanks!
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People run high EQ with normal test doses. Never heard of anyone here running test at 900. I would stick to whatever your use to for test and slowly increase the EQ from 600 if you feel good. Why wouldn’t you run the EQ all 20 weeks?
That’s almost a gram of test a week. That’s getting on up there brother. Maybe back everything off a bit… unless you’re looking to run that much.
I’ve read that the uncdeylenate ester in EQ takes 2+ weeks to clear so continuing to run test for a month afterwards was recommended.
My original thought was to just run it 500/600 test/EQ but then I read about the 2:3 ratio and wasn’t sure. So I figured I’d ask you vets to point me in the right direction.
I would run 500mg testosterone e and 800mg EQ

This is a great starting point for this cycle no reason that you can’t adjust dosage during this cycle I would stick with 500mg testosterone and let the EQ put in the work.

Don’t forget to give blood donations and watch your estrogen
I usually get bloods done pre, then at the 6 week mark and the 12 week mark when I run a 16 week test only cycle. Should I be getting bloods done a bit earlier given the extra compound?
I don’t believe so EQ isn’t going to aromatase very strongly and the testosterone you know how that is from previous cycles.
Which AI do you plan on using?
I’ve always used aromasin 12.5mg EOD or E3D and that seems to work. I’ve read a lot about people crashing their E2 on EQ because of EQ acting as a AI. Any validity in that?
We have researched it and its not true just crashing there estrogen but with aromasin or exemestane its a suicide inhibitor im sure that you know I would wait until after your first blood work to decide if you will even need an AI if you don’t have to use one don’t estrogen is extremely powerful when combined with testosterone.
You want to be around 60+not more than 70 maybe 75 then you wanna bring it down but just be ready for any gyno sides and exemestane will take care of that quickly
Man that’s almost a gram of test a week unless your a professional bodybuilder prepping for a show id say it’s a waste and you’d be more prone to sides. Where did you find this info?
I’ve seen EQ cycles normally starting at 800mg should he really be starting at 400mg im not always right im seriously asking because I always believed 800 to be the starting point
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