Estrogen Blockers, when and when not?

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So having trouble with E blockers. I have liquid Arimidex. I was using it everyday for a while I thought I was supposed to and then learned the hard way in the bedroom why that was a dumb move. I’m running TestE/Deca/Anadrol

600/300/100 when should I take Arimidex to keep everything leveled out?
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You didn’t state how much your taking? .5 3x a week I believe is your average dose
Yes estrogen levels to high you can’t get up estrogen levels to low you can’t get up its like this with most side effects from estrogen they mirror each other so bloodwork is really the only way to know if you are up or down.
Adex will crush your Estrogen levels. Like floor them. And it will take a long time to recover if you are an old fucker like me. I’ve lived on the low estrogen levels. And I’m telling you. No amount of Viagra or Cialis will work. It sucks horribly. So, you really need blood work. I know I’ve learned what is too high for me. But I have learned the hard way. Until you really know, estrogen levels are nothing to mess with and Adex is a hell of a AI. So long story, I’ve lived both. Sides of it. And for me it was much harder to recover from low estrogen than high.
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So basically you’re saying just don’t take them unless you show sides? And estrogen will recover with anadrol and test in your system though right? If I did floor them?
I notice that you keep thinking that its just the arimidex but your running decca and that will definitely make you not be able to achieve an erection even if your estrogen is low or high you have to worry about progesterone issues also especially with decca.
Have you considered that the decca is the issue?

Bloodwork is the only way to find out what’s happening I have a feeling that you don’t want to hear that but if you’re running 3 compounds bloodwork is essential to know what is actually happening
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Long time decca stays in your system for 4weeks minimum 18 months maximum and can make it harder for pct to work correctly I wouldn’t start pct until 4wks after last pin.
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If your commenting, that deca “can do that” then you probably should have researched, it more, their is a somewhat well known phrase, called “deca-dick.
It amazes me how people throw stuff in their body and don’t research at all. I’m not even using deca this cycle and have caber on the way for the future
Quick question…
I thought 19nors could raise prolactin levels…?

My quick google research didn’t really elaborate as to how deca could inhibit progesterone levels… Could you explain?
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