Estrogen Blockers, when and when not?

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No. It’s no myth. Why everyone uses a TestE and Deca Stack. Unless you don’t care about sex or getting a hard on, then give a gram a week of Deca a run. 😂. You will get big as fuck. But your dick won’t work. I use low dose Deca for joints. During cycle. That’s about it for me. I’ve experienced it. Like I said almost everything you shouldn’t do on AAS I’ve done… 😂
No buddy it’s true, I’ve gotten it a while back, before, I used or heard of adex, also proviron will help libido to.
Lol! Yeah I know it’s a 19nor… I was saying I thought it prolactin levels… that’s where I’m confused as to what the difference is between that and the progesterone level…
I’ve heard many horror stories in regards to deca dick… Lol @ you… I couldn’t imagine having to go through that… haha…glad you got it squared away though.
Most people used to agree that if you keep estrogen in check progesterone will be ok They make things such as prami and Cabor for this as well as AI but how do you know what to take when and how much if you don’t get some bloodwork if you wanna use AAS be prepared to spend some $$$ on other things besides a bottle or two and three pins if you wanna know what’s worse than some sides from elevated estrogen is no estrogen most experienced guys have a lot of things on hand but may never use it or very little you read about all these stories of high estrogen next thing you know your overmedicating EVERYONE is different only you and your bloodwork can figure out what dose you may or may not need deca can make the ole weinie limp but I would say you have taken too much ai for your body type and doses back off the ai see if it helps if not back off deca if you wanna hard one or get some Viagra if you single nothing like tren dick and viagra on a random lady
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Progesterone just like estrogen has many different types I will use the words estrogen and progesterone to describe all side effects instead of something like e2 or a sub category.
Sorry if I miss led you
That’s why I always run caber with all 19 nor - this has helped me running any compound higher then 300 mg with deca / tren or NPP. Just 1 mg a week split twice a week .5 on Monday and .5 on Thursdays. I ran test e 600 / deca 600 mg / mast e 400 for 12 weeks then the last six weeks of the 16 week cycle added Tren e 400 mg a week. Got size, strength while keeping the water weight down from the deca with this combo then Covid-19 happened and gyms closed / just doing what I can at home for work out with bands and body weight exercises.
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Okay this is all good information. so myth was a bad word, what I meant to get at was yes I have heard of it but I thought it was one of those rare cases kind of things. But from the sounds of it it’s pretty common
Use AI, but do it along with labs. Don’t wait until you have side effects to start, but get to know your body through lab work and you’ll know how to dose in the future. Start low, like with anything. It’s easier to go lower than it is to go back up if you crash. But you gotta do labs man
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