F**K Covid-19, how are your states reacting?

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Well the State of NJ has now demanded all restaurants, and any place of human interaction to close down tonight @ 8pm untill further notice. Gave my gym a call and yup there closing at 8 tonight as well. FML !!! No work, no gym, no more anything allowed in NJ. How are your states reacting to this? I know here in the Tri-State area ( NJ , NY, PA, ) everything is shut down. Heading to bank today to pull all my money out, cause I have a feeling everything is gonna tank, banks included. I wonder if this would be a good time to invest in gold, silver, or even BTC?
In Florida here. The 24 hour Walmart is closing at 10 now. And a few restaurants are closing a little early but not too bad yet. Other than not being able to buy toilet paper and Lysol.

I know gold and BTC are down a lot !
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FYI people rushed here to pull cash out of banks too but now they got fucked cause stores won’t touch cash at all. Only credit cards. They don’t want to handle money whatsoever. Can’t pay for any thing for cash right now.
Wow I didn’t even think about that, maybe I’ll put it on a prepaid card or my PayPal account and use PayPal debit card. This has got me all fucked up now, just spent 2 hrs applying for unemployment. The only plus side is my wife’s a nurse and she mentioned she can get alot of over time now. What are your thoughts on investing in BTC right now, it’s dropping steadily ?
Everything here in Cali is closed pretty much except for restaurants and grocery stores. Restaurants can only do to go orders and that’s about it. A lot of fights happening over water and lines are crazy at places like Costco. Streets are empty and no traffic what so ever.
Kentucky here… we are slow to start but yeah everything is locking down. Wife works in the hospital locking it down to 2 doors only. Have to be scanned for temp goin in and out. Boys, this maybe the closest thing to a society collapse we’ll ever see.
Nothing shut down in Wisconsin yet, except for schools for 3 weeks. I don’t understand the bottled water? They thinking the public’s works is going to collapse???
I wouldn’t worry about banks, least now they are insured, banks tanked during the great depression because everyone wanted to pull their money out and it’s just not feasible.
I have good old well water so guess I’m gtg on that, other than tp nothing else seems to be being bought out, I’m in a real rural area and people seem to be taking it more in stride here.
People are acting like it’s ground zero for a zombie uprising. Unless you have underlying health issues I’m not too concerned, it’s a mutation of the sars virus that’s been around for awhile now.
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I hope not, I don’t want my gym to close.😭

My local Dollar general has a buttload of Lysol if anyone wants me to send some there way lol.
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Bitcoin is too unstable IMO. Trust the banks more then PayPal. Banking won’t collapse and insured anyway. People are afraid of hand to hand transactions and touching money. So wireless or cards are the only way to go.
KS here, university’s are shutting down, lower level school’s arent.

So far nothing else is shut down to my knowledge, widespread panic buying though, very annoying,
Funny you mentioned that people on eBay are selling hand sanitizer for hundreds of dollars right now, and people are bidding on em.
I think it gets worse at night when people get off work and start getting on social media and talking to there spouses work day, then next day…bam no soup for you lol
Georgia here people are batshit crazy here do t get around people they say so everyone rushed to stand in line to buy all the TP and ramen noodles in mass numbers 😳 Schools are out stores closing early drive thrus my job and all my customers at this point said they are working and have no intention in shutting down I just wanna know who are all these people that don’t normally wipe there butt until you may die from a virus walking around with cinnamon butt now they got mad dingleberries
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