SB Labs

February 13th edition of diets and bodybuilding

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Staff member
Military Vet
Good fuckin morning all.Cant sleep,not hungry,miss my daughter,I’m self-destructive while being selfish,I let my past define me,I don’t care who I hurt until after the fact,my attitude lately is a defeatist one.Anyfuckinways that’s where I’m at right now,just wallowing in my own tub of shit.
Not sure about gym today.I will make eggs,toast, protein shake in a bit.Hope everyone has a smooth and productive day.
Morning fellas! Egg whites for me then doctors. For bicep tendon. Went to a differnt doctor and he said it’s severely pissed off and not to lift or I could risk tearing it. Gave me steroids for inflammation. Said my other doctor was a joke for given me injections and telling me for the last year it was tennis elbow. Proably going to be getting set up for an mri as I can’t even lift anything with that arm now cause it hurts to bad
No training today. Had 2 eggs, a bagel, and oatmeal. Beef, broccoli and rice. Chicken wraps. Yogurt, cottage cheese and triscutts. Grateful for the knowledge Ive gained here over the years.
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