Finally getting back cycle

Sorry. I missed this. It would depended on your metabolism. I usually need an hour -1.5 hours to get an oral in my system.

It would just hit mid workout, but would still have effect throughout the day.

I guess in theory if the half life is long enough you could take it at night but pretty much all orals give me heartburn so that sounds like a rough night to me.
Set alarm for two hours before and an alarm when you wake up. Then just have it beside your bed with your water and you good to go
The question is specifically pertaining to anavar as I have a stash to take. Last time I took it 50mg per day split into 2 doses. So are you recommending take all 50 at once as being better than splitting it up or just that it’s not necessary? My thinking was I’m getting more protein synthesis over all by spreading it out over the day. The way the time works for me I get up at 4 and arrive at the gym by 4:30. I spend half an hour warming up so realistically it’s been an hour since I took it if I take it as soon as I get up. Definitely doable like that…

In the case of tbol having a half like of 16-19 hours or what ever poppy said I’m guessing it matters less when you take it?
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I personally believe 50mg of anavar at once will be perform than 25 mg twice a day. IF you can handle the cramps and pumps. And it’s definitely not necessary. Your test will accrue plenty of protein as you sleep.

I think you will see a better physique and performance in training by taking the 50 mg once a day.

Unless you don’t tolerate that dose well. Personally I would just take 25 mg once a day if I couldn’t tolerate 50.

But, as with everything in AAS, it’s personal. Our bodies are different. So I would say, take 50 mg upon waking for a week and see if you like it. I think you will see a significant performance difference.
Normally I just take my oral dose if I use them all at once pre workout I’ve never really tried splitting it wonder how much difference it makes
I’m with you. I believe the difference is negligible and taking them all at once completely does away with any chance of forgetting the second dose….(me).
So I’m going to do it pre-workout at 50 mg just set an alarm. I have done 12.5 3x a week aromasin but didn’t get bloods regularly. I’ve gotten bloods already for beginning of my cycle. So what would you recommend on aromasin 2x a week 12.5 its pharmacy grade 25mg tablets. That’s why I was going to split them
I would extend test only longer than 2
Weeks after deca. Dec stays around for
Awhile and is hella suppressive.

Start small. My estrogen would be damn near zero on that dose. Have you gotten bloods mid cycle before? That’s the only way to know how much you need for sure.
Agree with @NeuroRN Thats a lot off a’i. I like high estrogen like 65ish. It’s extremely good for muscle growth and the heart and your dick until it get above whatever your sweet spot is then I becomes very dangerous
No thats my fuck up thats how I let prolactin get out of hand. Covid fucked getting bloods up and didn’t have reliable ai now I do. I will do bloods at 6-8 weeks then toward the end then once I’m off. Unless I start getting bad sides then I will do it earlier. I also plan to cruise at 250 test after cycle. My bloods came back with test at 283 which is low but I also had to take bloods with a damn harsh stomach bug that came out of nowhere. So I was throwing up for 2 days prior till which I’m sure didn’t help.