First cycle (lower dose TRT supplement)

Thanks @n3rd and @John. I think aromasin might fit my situation better since I want to have something to use in a short term situation (quickly lower e2 but obviously try not to crash it). But moving forward I’ll keep both in mind as viable options.
I’m not even sure that’s the right choice.
I have a script aromasin, but I think i’ll be talking to my doctor about this.
My ‘e’ levels were really high, needed to get it down. I was able to accomplish this using aromasin, but how do you gauge when to take it and when not to take it…? Doing blood work often? That’s not realistic.
(i use the acne on my back as a way to judge whether or not I take it, 12.5 mon & thu - this is dumb)
Aromasin can crash your estrogen, haven’t done it yet, but what I’ve read it’s not a fun ordeal.
Why risk it?

Why let your body aromatize the synthetic test to estrogen?
Why not stop it before it even becomes an issue…
Aaaaaand thats where armidex comes in…
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@ColoMuscle I would get adex man, and your doc should prescribe it to you if they know what they’re doing. It’s just part of using AAS, you don’t want high estro gyno and mood effects, and you definitely don’t want to crash your estro. I’ve heard that’s hard to come back from. AI is something that needs to be done preparatory, not after it’s already an issue.
I’ll look into adex vs aromasin a little more and plan to have one on hand (nobody wants full blown gyno after all). However, taking it in a preventative fashion for the entire duration of my first cycle just doesn’t seem like a good stategy for me healthwise.

From William Llewellyn’s “Anabolics”.

"It is also important to note that estrogens can have a favorable impact on cholesterol profiles. The aromatization of testosterone to estradiol may, therefore, prevent a more dramatic
change in serum cholesterol. A study examined this effect by comparing the lipid changes caused by 280 mg of testosterone enanthate per week, with and without an aromatase
inhibitor. The group using only
testosterone enanthate in this study showed a small but not significant decrease in HDL
cholesterol values over the course of the 12-week investigation. After only four weeks, however, the group using testosterone plus the aromatase inhibitor displayed an HDL
reduction of an average of 25%. This group also showed a larger rise in the LDL cholesterol.

The potential positive effect of estrogen on cholesterol values also makes the issue of estrogen maintenance something to consider when it comes to health risks. To begin with, one maywant to consider whether or not estrogen maintenance drugs are actually necessary
in any given circumstance. Are side effects apparent, or is their use a preventative step and
perhaps unnecessary? The maintenance drug of choice can also have a measurableimpact on
cholesterol outcomes. For example, the estrogen receptor antagonist tamoxifen citrate does not seemto exhibitanti-estrogenic effects on cholesterol values, and in fact tends to increase HDL levels in some patients. Many individuals decide to use tamoxifen to combat estrogenic
side effects instead of an aromatase inhibitor for this reason, particularly when they are using
steroids for longer periods."
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Sounds good, lookin into things is a big deal, and it never hurts to have things on hand, I constantly, have adex, nolva, and aromasin, just haven’t needed aroma yet…
I use aromasin for an ai I have to have it but very low dose my god and ldl lvls are all normal and been on it a trt for 8-10 yrs I tried Adex but it adversely affected my bp can’t tell you why but i swapped back bp back to my normal I have crashed estrogen. With aromasin too however I wish I could find my old labs I used to keep them in a folder before our last move if I can find some I will share them at the end of the day it’s education and what how your body reacts to the substance keeping logs and sharing them is a great idea blood work is the only sure fire way to know short term use while you find out what works for you can’t be any worse tha going out and getting Hammered on a weekend bender 🙂