First day at the new gym!

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So a couple months ago I had to sell my business and get another job, it fucking sucked but it had to be done. Long story short I’ve been having to lift in the morning/afternoon because of my gyms hours, which I don’t like. So I reluctantly joined a 24 hour national chain gym expecting to “make the best of it”. Much to my surprise, I just had the best shoulder day I’ve had in months! The layout and selection of equipment is surprisingly decent. Still not as good as my other gym, but good. I got a great workout, I’m excited to go back… plus there’s one thing my other gym doesn’t have much of this place is loaded with… EDIT beautiful women on treadmills!
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Sounds cool bro. Get them gains, my gyms just a bunch of big ole moose hoof. But it is what you make of it… skinny dipping or chunky dunkin 😁
I was at planet fitness which was good for me getting back into the groove. But I out grew it. Still have membership to go with dad but other gym has free weights and is closer
Im glad you found a great gym brother but remember we have ladies at ugmuscle also and were not looking to upset anyone and I don’t believe that was your intention at all but just have to give you a heads up.

It’s nice to have the option of training 24/7. Mi gym is 24/7. It’s an EOS(former GOLD’s GYM). I love not having to worry about gym hours. As long as you have head phones or ear buds blasting good music, and decent equipment, it’s all good.
I still have membership to old gym and new one is kind of chainish but local version. Both are 24/7 so I’m covered to get it in no matter what
I just started at a new gym also. It’s called Just Move. It’s 24 hours. I am also plenty surprised with the selection of equipment… also the size of the place is huge. Not too crowded. I moved to this gym because my mom has some health issues and I’ve talked her into going with me. She’s really enjoying it so far. She has a silver sneakers pass so the old batt gets free classes and also has been insisting on doing my 4 day split with me. Good stuff. Love my mom … she’s an ornery old cuss 💜👍
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