First of all, Thank you!


Well-known member
First of all, Id like to thank all of you for sharing your knowledge and experiences and for absolutely educating each other (myself). I highly applaud this community for that. I’ve been on a mainly protein/low carb diet trying to cut weight yet maintain/gain more muscle. I know its been stated before doing both isnt recommended for a first cycle, but a man of my size has to (in my mind). I had planned on starting a cycle later this week or next Monday of Tren E/Test C/Anadrol followed by proper PCT… after an ample amount of reading and suggestions… that may be a huge leap and not highly recommended . I tend to do a lot of things in life trying to hit the grounded running. Weighing in at about 285lbs (20/30% bf% accordingto a UA scale not sure how accuratethat is if at all)… any reccomendations or advice? I have read @Bigmurph First cycle post… which was also very informative.
Yea there is. I thought my buddy that uses it was on here I was like about time you got active lol.
So when I got started back running gear I was weighing in at 265lb and needed to drop alot of body weight before starting my first run back after many years off. I recommend it for sure. It helped me prepare for my cycle almost a year ahead of my first injection. I dropped down to 195ish. I had always seen that being under 200lbs is a good place to start because the higher your bf% the more side effects and less gains. I don’t believe that this is true now but I still believe that cutting first and getting your diet in line. Then your training set and the discipline to keep both going and to reach your first goal of losing the weight really helps when you start to pin.
I always preach against using tren. I dont think that the side effects are worth the reward unless your getting paid to look a certain way. I understand why everyone wants to use it. It is probably the strongest compound available to gain muscle quick but with quick gains come consequences.
I would stick with a simpler approach running just testosterone. Sounds boring but just testosterone definetly gets the job done as long as your diet is on point. Something like the cookie cutter plan of running
test e or c 500mgs split 2x 250mg/ml a wk
an AI adex or aromasin
PCT Nolvadex or Clomid
I would have everything on hand test,AI,Nolvadex and clomid even if taking one.
Get started on cutting weight and once you reach a weight were you feel comfortable and you’re training and diet have been a weekly routine for awhile. Then it would be time to start.
Keep us updated on your weight loss and your training. Read about the different diet options and pick whats best for you and your goals because the diet is the key to everything working the testosterone won’t do much without the proper food.

Good luck and good gains brother
His shirts have blown up now. He’s doing really good plus he just turned pro and so did his wife
Congrats to him I was actually on his site the other day really thinking about getting some shirts. I’m really over trying to fit into regular clothing. It’s honestly comical watching me trying to get a shirt off or on lol. I actually tore the collar off one a couple of weeks back trying to pull it off. His clothes are supposed to be fit for real sized arms and shoulders. I should really try it out.

Sorry to hijack the thread semper is going to kill me
Lol murph you can wear extra shhhmedium shirts and expect to get them on and off with ease 😂😂😂😂
Wow you must be pretty big boy. We need to see pics or it’s not true. Ps I’m still wearing xxl 😆
@VanillaGorilla risk is on you but I would take down your IG handle. Also, Bms response was way too long winded for me to read, but somewhere In There did he advise you of all the added risk cycling g hasn’t when you’re that high of body fat and suggest you diet down first before going into a blast?

If this was already said, great, if not let me be the first as that would be my advice and should be the advice anyone gives you over starting a cycle when at 25+ bf%
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