First run of 2020 and would love some input from you all


Well-known member
Goals- add 10-15#s of muscle- shed a little fat- and get ready for Archery Elk in September. Specifically I need to be able to haul 100# loads in steep,mountainous terrain at 10,000ft+ for 7 days. If we don’t kill anything the loads will be lighter but the mountain miles will still be there.

Im planning on -
WEEK 1-10
Test C @ 400mg/ week
Deca @ 200mg/week
Proviron @ 50mg daily

Week 10-13
Test P @ 100mg/ EOD

Week 13-16

  1. I’ve never ran Deca or NPP- dose recommendations? Not looking to blow up in size. Sounds like 200mg a week could provide some therapeutic benefit.
  2. How would you add in GW or would you?
  3. Planning on adding TNE @ 50-100mg pre-workout 1x a week for the 10 weeks on clutch training days- do you have any experience with TNE as a pre-workout and your experiences with E2 spikes?
  4. If you were to add an oral to this what would you recommend ?
Thanks all
I pin like a solid hour pwo if time permits, I want it fully kickin. I don’t have bloods to prove anything but I don’t feel spikes in estro or more sides to combat. I only use it couple times a week,so there may that. Your 200 of deca would be what most call a therapeutic I believe I like to run it at 600 npp @Bigmurph likes a lot prob be more helpful then me
But then again, you’ve never ran it you probably be good at 400 deca but would have to adjust your test to
Also most say bloat with deca but I use pre/pro biotic gummies and wateraway pills works great to keep bloat away and I will shut the fuck up now.
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For what you describe as your goals EQ would actually be the perfect compound for you to run to get the extra endurance from the added red blood cells.

1 Decca at 200 would be good for benefits if ran longer but I would reccomend npp for the shorter time period at 300 100mg/ml 3x a week. The pp ester is heavier so you will get less than the deconate ester which at 300mg npp should be perfect for therapeutic purposes.

2 I don’t like sarms but that’s just a preference

3 I only have limited experience with tne I haven’t experienced estrogen spikes from it and I experience estrogen spikes from hcg.

4 the oral to add is tbol especially if you are looking to stay lean and gain mass

The taper is a great idea that many don’t do anymore but I believe that it helps alot with ending a cycle and going into pct.
The decca will linger so long around 4wks so the taper is an excellent choice if you decide to go that route but I would even do it with npp.

Good luck and good gains brother
You can pull 8-10lbs with a cycle like that for sure with a solid diet no reason you couldn’t hit your numbers.
Thanks Brother!
I have run EQ before and really enjoyed it. Do you think a 10 week run of Eq is worth it- i’m not on TRT so 16-20 week cycles make me a touch nervous

You think drop the Deca and put EQ in its place? What would you recommend as a dose for EQ?
So I haven’t run eq before so I can’t speak on if the 10wks is long enough or the dosing but it would really help you up in those mountains especially at altitude.

The decca I have alot of experience with and it doesn’t take to long to start to work but it comes on slow and then slams you. Then in the end I swear on one cycle 6wks after my last injection I was still getting stronger and I believe that it was definitely from the decca just staying in my system for so long. Even for testing I believe that it lasts the longest period for being able to be detected by testing which is around a year I believe it might be longer so it even makes pct harder. Npp also because it is nandrolone still makes pct harder but it doesn’t seem to linger like decca does in the system. It might still last longer than I realize though but if you’re going to
go with a nandrolone I would recommend npp at 300mg for your goals and EQ I don’t believe that 10wks will give you huge mass but it will help you with the endurance. I would run it at the levels you have in the past because you truly know better than me about yourself and what dose of eq would work best for you brother.
Awesome-Thanks for the advice as always. I think you are correct about Decca being testable longer than most every steroid. I read up to 18 months later if I remember correctly.

The thing I love about this place is the fact you can get helpful advice without all the nonsense. I feel like the culture here is really unique in this community- most forums developed with this sorta “asshole” attitude toward newcomers that gets taught to the newcomer and that nonsense continues.

To the MODS and founders of UG- Thanks fellas!!
If your going to run EQ run for 16 weeks. You’ll be happy with the boost to endurance and strength gains. I never noticed a bloat from it and I’ve used for over 20 years. Not consistent but enough.
Pretty solid cycle man, I’d up the Deca to 400, at 200 you won’t really SEE any benefits other then joint releif. Oral + Sdrol
TNE + I’d swap out for some MTren Inject personally
Eq would be a leaner hard veins veins veins look deca fuller look for me but you can look feel bloated On a lot of deca old watermelon head as what we used to say I like your doses stay in your comfort range More isn’t always better it’s a Risk vs reward deal you don’t have unrealistic goals for the dosages I think you would be satisfied with results I like the tbol idea a personally like tbol as well but Im getting old and The big dose cycles are not for me anymore
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